Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Question Not Being Asked...

As we move closer to the Republican party nominating their candidate to run against Barack Obama, America seems to be leaving out a very important question. “Can any of these candidates run the United States of America”? The question heard over and over again is “can they beat Obama”. Hopefully we really don’t believe that the first qualification to be president of the United States in 2012 is if they can beat Obama.

We have had the opportunity in last couple of months to learn who the candidates are and what they stand for. The problem…most Americans do not take it upon themselves to learn about who they vote for. They learn about how the government works and who the politicians are from sound bites, lies and gossip of the media, ex-politicians, pundits and contributors. The rest comes from the lying politicians themselves. A recent in your face example is what we have witnessed from the Tea Bagger movement, a self proclaimed grassroots movement that is run by a lobbyist (Dick Armey), funded by corporate pigs (the Koch brothers) and supported by a sleazebag politician (Jim DeMint). We have seen Trump, Bachmann, Perry and now Cain as their perfect candidate. If the time had been taken to educate themselves about who these candidates are and what they stand for and believe in, then we would not be witnessing the rollercoaster ride in choosing their golden boy for 2012.

The word pathetic does not do justice to the Republican candidates running for president in 2012. There is Mitt Romney, who not only the Republicans but the Tea Baggers don’t like.  They feel he is not conservative enough nor is he a "Christian".  He is felt worse about than in 2008 when the party got stuck with running Grandpa Moses (John McCain) and Caribou Barbie (Sarah Palin). Then there is New Gingrich, which has no morals, values or ethics about him and is just a political asshole with a neo-con attitude. The next great asshole running is Hermain Cain who refuses to acknowledge he is black, is a old time male chauvinistic pig who’s only exposure to foreign policy is the boxes made in china used at his pizza place. Then out of Texas rides in Rick Perry on a donkey thinking it was a horse, and he is still confused. Behind Perry, and his confusion comes in Michelle Bachmann, an absolute disgrace to women, their intelligence and the decades of work that has allowed women a voice. Along with Michelle Bachmann is Rick Santorum that claims the founding fathers insisted that the role of “Religion” was to be part of politics, which they did not. Santorum feels he is part of the “religion police” in America, and that gives him the right to enter into Americans bedrooms as well as a woman’s uterus, while claiming God intended for this to be his role. If this is true he should be so busy, he would no way have time to run the United States. Just as the extreme views as Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum have with being the “religion police” of America, Ron Paul could care less if Americans have any values, morals or ethics. His stance being look out for yourself and only yourself, it’s not your civic duty to help those less fortunate. That leaves the last candidate which is Jon Huntsman. Jon Huntsman gives the Republican party a new face. He leaves out the extreme ideological ideas that has been so ingrained in the Republican party created by fear and paranoia for decades and brings a common sense and rational face to the party, a face that is being ignored at their own peril. He shows that it is time for the party to come into the 21st century, instead of wanting to take America back to the 1930’s before the New Deal.

With all the differences between the Republican candidates, it can be acknowledged with confidence that the Republican party will continue to push the “us” vs. “them” agenda. They will continue to claim they are the “true Americans”, they are the “Christian” party, they are the party that will keep America safe from terrorist, they are the “fiscally responsible” party, small government party and the party of morals. Knowledge is power and history is fact. By gaining knowledge of history it is a fact that none of these claims are true, yet many Americans continue to believe a lie, while asking themselves what has happened to America.

The question in America not being asked is a simple one. Can any of these Republican candidates run this country and if we so unlucky to have a Republican as president in 2012, what then….

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Flat Tax...Good for who?

We need to remember the old saying, if it sounds too good to be true, than it must be. This includes what is about to be sold to Americans known as the “flat tax”. In 2012 the Republican/Tea Bagger party will begin a major campaign to distract Americans from the real issues happening in America, by making the issue of the “flat tax” a priority. The Republicans for decades have used the issue of national security against the Democratic party, but in 2012 things will be different, which leaves them with the dilemma of needing an issue that they feel taps into the fear, stupidity, anger and anxiety of Americans. Their bet is that the “flat tax” fight will distract Americans from the real issues like unemployment, cost of health care, stagnant wages, wars and the destruction of social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The selling of the “flat tax” to Americans should not be hard for the Republican/Tea Bagger party to pull off. We will see the work of both men and women that have long ago sold their souls to the devil, in the name of greed and power that will succeed with a long used message of give to the wealthy, if it were not for them, we would not live the way we do. If they like the way 99% of Americans live, then they should have no problem with being one of them, but there is a problem, they are convinced they are above how 99% of Americans live. These politicians are your politician, the one that election after election you keeping voting back in office. What the Republican/Tea Bagger party calls a “flat tax” is actually the equivalent of winning the lottery for the wealthy, and getting run over by a car for the rest of America.

One distinct difference in the political parties is the Republican/Tea Bagger party knows how to stay on message, while the Democratic party gets confused easily which creates a party that is always questioning their actions. The Republican/Tea Bagger party believes that if you repeat something over and over again, they will believe. This is the same mentality we witnessed under Hitler in Nazi Germany and will witness thru out the 2012 campaign. Propaganda is powerful, and no one uses it better than the Republican/Tea Bagger party, as they distract the stupid by claiming the Democratic party is reigning in “Socialism”, a word that they don’t even understand the meaning of. They will continue to convince Americans that you can’t punish the rich by raising their taxes, the job creators that look at their employees as liabilities and not assets. All people are created equal we’re told as the society we live in shows us that all dollars are not created equal. The working poor in America now works solely for survival. The wages they make barely covers survival items as food, shelter and clothing, with nothing left to pay for healthcare costs or a long deserved vacation with their families, every dollar being critical for their survival. The so-called job creators that the Republican/Tea Bagger party feel loyal to, treat the worker as if the job they were given is an act of charity while paying the worker the wages of charity. We see an increase in social unrest in America, while the wealthy with the help of elected officials convince Americans they are out of line, and have no good reason to be discontent. This deepening discontent is spreading fast and wide and the wealthy can’t outrun or hide to escape reality. In 2012 we will see how many politicians will be allowed to escape reality by being re-elected back into office.

The “flat tax” will seem the simple answer to many Americans, while knowing nothing about it. They will make their decision from untrue sound bites and debates because it eliminates the need to know all the facts that will allow a sound decision to be made. This attitude comes from Americans that are upset at the broken system, while ignoring the fact they are part of the problem by not taking time to educate themselves about the facts of what it would mean for America to become a “flat tax” nation. There is no denying that the “flat tax” serves as a tax break for the wealthy shifting the burden to the middle-class, the poor and the elderly. The “flat tax” lowers the rate for higher income earners and widens the base to include more lower income earners. The “flat tax” is nothing more than a repeat of a trick Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s tried, by claiming to cut taxes, when in fact he actually redistributed them to bear more heavily on “income” than on “wealth”, which created the “idle rich” that was rewarded for sitting on their asses, and claiming their wealth as everything other than “income”, while the working class was punished for their hard work.

As Americans our decisions affect so many people, especially our families, we need to not act after the fact, and learn the hard way that the lies we are being told over and over again about a “flat tax“ is truly a lie that will once again benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else. We need to remember that the rich will NEVER understand the plight of the middle-class or the poor nor do they care to. America seems to confuse the rich with being smart, when in fact money does not buy intelligence and one needs to look no further than the way the rich are hanging their own asses in our society. The “idle rich” aren’t smart enough to see that their lifeline to their way of life is about to catch up with them, and even their bought off political friends won’t be able to help. The reality that Americans are educating themselves and are in increasing numbers rejecting the lies that has been sold and perfected for decades as the truth, are being seen in the light God intended, instead of the darkness the devil prefers. In 2012 we as Americans need to stop the insanity of the “idle rich” and remind them that one way we will do that is not allowing the “flat tax”.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Insanity or Stupidity?

Americans will shortly go to the voting booth with the intention of voting in the best people to run America. Most will enter the voting booth with the sentiment of “throw those bums out”. Yet, with a very few exceptions the same politicians are voted back into office. Seems Americans are upset at all politicians with the exception of their own. The politicians will capitalize on the stupidity of the common voter, by betting they will have no issue with believing the same old rhetoric and lies. They have mastered the art of both fear and lying. As human beings we have the natural tendency to fear change despite whatever our situations are. This fear is shown thru the voting process, by the same politicians that have clearly shown they cannot do their jobs getting re-elected time and time again.

In order to conquer our fears, we need to face reality. We have become a society that does not have time, is too lazy, or is disinterested in learning about the candidates we support and the issues at hand. We have been conditioned to vote by party and not by class. We have become a nation that votes by emotions based on absolute bullshit, rather than facts. We have allowed ourselves to chose our politicians by 30 second sound bites, and untrue political ads. We are a society where we expect change without having to do anything, instead of taking time to understand the issues. Americans at every election seems to vote for the familiar name on the ballot, while all they really know about that candidate is what their name is and if they are Republican or Democrat.

We ignore the fact that we deserve the dysfunctional and corrupt politicians we have, because we allow ourselves the liberty of not being educated as to whom we are voting for while allowing our political figures to get away with lying about the same issues over and over again. They have long sold their integrity to the highest bidder while ignoring the common man that voted him or her into office. Big money seems to be the core of the problem, along with the obsession of control and power. It is our duty as Americans to focus on not other politicians but those that represent us and to vote out those that abuse their office by political game playing that prevents America from moving forward and making this a better country for all.

Stupid, selfish people elect stupid, selfish leaders. The fact that we continue to vote the same old problems back in office over and over again, says way more about us, then it does about them. As we continue to have brain freeze in the voting booth the same old people that have created the problems we live with today are voted back in office. While they spend endless hours everyday trying to keep their political power and showing their loyalty to greed and control, we Americans are continuing to be pushed inside a hole that we will never emerge from. We are a nation that asks the rich how they feel about the rich paying their fair share of taxes. We ask the rich how the middle class, the poor and the elderly feel, while refusing to give the common man a platform to speak for him or herself. We ask CEO’s if it is okay for them to make 400% more than the worker they pay, while not asking that same worker how he really feels. We have a circus called the media, that helps in keeping bad politicians in office, by quick untrue sound bites, and the greed of money.

It is said that politicians make strange bedfellows, and Washington along with local state politicians has shown us for decades just how they sleep around with special interest groups, wealthy individuals and big business to get the money they need to score in the next election. Politics has become the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other. We have politicians that will lay down your life for his or her political agenda. We have become a
society where we jail petty thieves, and appoint the biggest thieves into office time and time again, while expecting a different result. In order to keep their political power we watch them become indistinguishable from prostitutes. They sell Americans that they are smart enough to understand the game and we are dumb enough not to and time and time again we believe them from fear, by voting them back in office.

We need to not forget that when we enter the voting booth, and are mad at all politicians, that means our own. We don’t have the opportunity to vote out other politicians from other states, but we have the power to control our own. Americans need to grasp on to the fact that knowledge is power. We need to insist that on the ballots the incumbents are highlighted in red, and that there is no longer a box that allows block voting by party. This lazy way of voting continues to help in keeping this country in turmoil. We have allowed our voting process to become as easy as ordering a happy meal thru the drive up window. This is not what the founding fathers intended for this country despite the politicians would disagree. We have entered an age where we need to take the keys away from the politicians that have helped in getting us in this mess, and change the locks to the doors. We do this by our vote in the voting booth, while remembering not to worry about what other politicians from other states have done, but by educating ourselves on who our own politicians are, what they stand for, and what special interest has bought his loyalty. The reality that we continue as Americans to complain about how our lives are, while voting in the same politician with the same views bought by the same money, doesn’t work to change our situation. We’re taught from the time we are small how to blame, and as adults we have not broken this habit. Not only have we not broken this habit, but we have taught it to our kids. The Republicans blame the Democratics, the Democratics blame the Republicans and the Tea Baggers, and the new Tea Bagger movement blames everyone. We feel our politicians need to wake up, when in fact it is the common man that votes that needs to wake up, or we need to continue to be sheep that follow the wolves, while ignoring their agenda is to kill us. Is this a form of insanity or stupidity?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Thirsty Are You?

Today in America we have been introduced to a grassroots movement that calls themselves the “Tea Party”. A movement that because of their outrageous behavior have been treated as if they speak for all of America, when in fact they are only approximately 16% of our population, the same amount that thinks the world is flat.

They are a movement that has the lack of intelligence to understand what they claim to believe in. This is shown as to whom controls the Tea Party movement. They claim to be tired of the system, hate government and the special interests that buy them, yet are run by a fanatical Senator Jim DeMint, a lobbyist Dick Armey and funded by Corporate pigs as the Koch brothers. They believe Fox News is “fair and balanced”. They blindly use words as “socialism” and “communism” without knowing what they mean. They speak of the “Constitution” yet have never took time to read it, and they state what our “founding fathers” wanted knowing nothing about their stances, or who they were.

The majority of the Tea Party movement is nothing short of racists and fascists, who have created hate, violence and havoc to promote their disgusting views. This grassroots movement has been the fuel that the right wing pundits and Republicans have been long looking for. Someone to push their agenda, while not understanding they are slashing their own throats. Someone to push their self-interested radical agendas that will not serve those that serve them. They claim they are nothing short of your “average Joe 6-pack” that is here to take this country back. They care so much about this country they demonize the middle class, the poor and the elderly, while ignoring the fact they are part of these classes. They complain about helping others, they don’t want to pay for the poor. They preach about the government staying out of their lives, yet want the government to step in over abortion and gay rights. They believe in giving the wealthy and business more tax breaks, while not facing the fact the middle class, the poor and the elderly in America will make up what they don’t contribute. They complain about the wages they make, hate unions, and feel the same people that is paying them the wages they are unhappy about, deserve more and more breaks. They speak about the cost of healthcare, yet they want to continue with the “status quo”. They complain the Democrats are attempting to “redistribute the wealth”, while being ignorant that the “distribution of wealth” has been going on for decades, and it has been from the middle class, the poor and the elderly right into the riches bank accounts. They pack an attitude of “us” versus “them”.

The Tea Party movement would not be complete, if they did not claim to love “God”, while hating God’s people. The Teabaggers with the help of the Republican party and the Religious Right prey on the fears of people with appeals they do what they do because “God” wants them to. They feel the hate and violence they spew into society is warranted, and must be done in the name of “God”. One wonders if “God” really approved of torture and un-constitutional wiretapping of innocent Americans. Maybe he also approved of hating the poor and those less fortunate, while standing up for greed, or killing innocent people so a few can become very wealthy. For most of us in America the “God” we worship, feels different than the “God” the Republican party, the Religious Right and the Tea Party movement worships.

Nothing about the Tea Party movement is good for America, or makes any sense. While they rage over Obama’s alleged lies, they totally ignore the Bush administration’s deceptive justification to attack Iraq, and the belief that the deficit didn’t matter. They are ignorant to the fact that both the Great Depression and the current recession occurred under Republican rule. They ignore the fact that 2 times only in history the deficit was a surplus both times under Democratic rule. They are ignorant to the fact that history shows no basis where there has ever been a “fiscally responsible conversative".  They claim they are the "True Americans", while everyone who disagrees with them are not.  In 2012 all Americans, need to ask themselves, "How Thristy Am I"?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why is the mentally ill running our government, and who is helping them get away with it?

In January when Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson, the conversation turned to the mentally ill of America. Americans were confronted once again about the issue of who in America is mentally ill, and how do we tell.

While America was attempting to determine who is considered mentally ill in our society, we needed to look no further than the politicians in both Washington and within the State governments. We needed to look no further than the wealthy in America, that controls the minds of these politicians, thru their greed and love of money and power. And, we needed to look no further than the bought off clueless media.

Americans have adapted to the daily lies from both the Democrats and the Republicans while totally ignoring the true facts, and as a reward for their lies and underhanded antics they are re-elected back in office. Americans vote by believing all politicians are no good, with the exception of their own. This is a fact that no one can deny and the number of years the majority of politicians have served in office proves this point. The Constitution has been thrown at us more in the last 2 years than ever in history. Michelle Bachman has stated how concerned she is on who in America is a “true American”, maybe she should take a poll, and see how many Americans can tell you what the “Constitution” says, or who the founding fathers were and what they stood for. The majority of Americans have no idea what the Constitution says, who the founding fathers were much less what they stood for. But, I am sure they would still consider themselves “true Americans”. On the downside of this, it allows Americans to pretend they know what the Constitution says by believing what these politicians tell them it says. The founding fathers that the Tea Party uses like a weapon, never intended for a political office to be a lifelong career or religion to have a part in politics. They were aware how bad this would be for our country. The Tea Party claims they are the new party ready to take America back, yet they seem to be more confused than anyone.

Politicians, the wealthy, and the media have long sold their souls to the devil, for the reward of money and power. In order for them to accomplish this, they had to put out the wolves disguised as lambs. These wolves have been able to convince the common man to give up the little they have for the good of the wealthy. They have convinced us that they know best how we should think, act and live our lives. They have bet among themselves that most of America is so un-knowledgable and clueless about what they are speaking of….the deficit, the debt ceiling, defense spending and healthcare to name a few, that they have the upper hand. If that is true, than that leaves the rest of America with the losing hand.

Americans feel that politicians cannot be trusted, yet we continue to elect these same people in office, because we are told they will look out for our best interest, fully knowing this is a lie. We have been brainwashed and have slowly adapted ourselves to believing a certain party stands for a certain thing, and the other does not. We have become the country of “hate”, while claiming we are “Christian”. The wealthy, the polticians and the media have been hard at work in convincing us to embrace a non-tolerant attitude toward others, to hate those that won’t believe as you do, and to put enough fear in our souls that we will allow the wealthy to destroy all of us. We ignore the hypocrisy that is so blatant. Governor Christie of New Jersey made the statement to a voter, that it was none of her business why he sends his kids to a private school. He stated that it was a family personal decision, that was none of her business. So why would Governor Christy feel it is okay to tell a women if she has the right to have an abortion of not? Is this not a much harder PERSONAL decision for a woman and her family to make than where you send your kids to school? The amount of hypocrisy daily coming out of our government officials, ourselves, our friends, family and neighbors have become an epidemic in America.  We complain about the low wages we are paid, yet support a party that feels the minimum wage is too high, and hates Unions that keep the wages up. We complain about healthcare costs, yet vote against healthcare reform. We complain about big government and social programs, yet the majority of Americans use the programs and like them. We show hate toward workers that are unionized, jealous of the wages and benefits they have, when the fact is we should ask the question why am I not getting paid those wages and benefits, and help form unions that gives the workers a fair chance against greedy employers. We complain about taxes, yet vote with a party that ONLY wants to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Americans need to help themselves, learn who the party is you support and what they stand for. Be honest and acknowledge who you are in society and quit voting believing the lie you too one day will be part of the wealthy. Won’t happen, never will. The rich has long fixed it so a very few can belong to their club, and that is not you. We the people of America have condoned, allowed and continue to help in allowing the mentally ill to run our country by continuing to vote them back in office over and over again. Who in America is more mentally ill?  The politicians that screw you and continue to get your vote; The media that spews 24/7 lies and you believe them; The corporate pigs that have convinced our justice system to treat them as a person so they can screw Americans a little harder; or…yourselves that continue to vote the same old politicians back in office, believe the same old distorted facts from the media and stand up for the wealthy that spits on the middle class, the poor and the elderly, believing this time will be different?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Where are the jobs? The jobs that were to be created by the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the rich, less regulations and the attempt to take all workers rights away. The love of greed has taken the jobs overseas and increased the profits of these greedy capitalist pigs with a lust never seen in American history, with the worst yet to come. The smell of money laced in inexpensive labor is so strong it smells like honey to them, while to the U.S. worker the smell is like a dead body rotting. The American worker has been rotting since the 70’s when their wages became stagnate only going up SIX CENTS an hour in the last 38 years. To add more injury to the insult the politicians we have elected in office have helped these companies by continuing their subsidizes and tax breaks while they outsource American jobs in order to make obscene profits by cheap labor. The fact that the only way outsourcing jobs can by successful is if those same jobs are replaced with better jobs have been conveniently ignored. The astounding amount of money poured into politicians re-elections to see outsourcing the way they do, should be disturbing to Americans. Their disregard for the American economy and the American worker will keep driving up unemployment rates with no end in sight.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has helped in the destruction of the American economy by encouraging businesses to outsource jobs, and not hire in the U.S. If they can get Obama out of the White House, then they can get the rest of what their agenda is pushed thru without creating any jobs or jobs only paying low wages with no benefits. We need not to forget how Republicans feel about unemployment benefits, as they are helping to keep the jobs out of the U.S. They have a history of voting against any laws that give a fair chance to the worker. They hate Unions, benefits for the worker and feel the minimum wage is to high of a burden on their greedy corporate friends. When the statement is made that Americans on unemployment are lazy and won’t work, it should show us, how out of touch these politicians are with the common man. History has shown that when Democrats have been in power the wealthy become crazy. They are fearful of their wealth being taken away, they cry redistribution of wealth. As they are in their self-induced fog redistribution of wealth is indeed happening, but not how they claim. We have seen in the last 40 years a redistribution of wealth like never seen before. The rich taking from the poor. They hate the poor, they claim we are the problem with America, we deserve nothing, and they are owed everything. The rich that claim they are “Christian” has forgotten that Jesus loved the poor.

The obscene profits have become even more profitable over the years as a result of an American law that allows these capitalist pigs to “defer” the payment of taxes on money made outside of the U.S. The agreement made with the help of our purchased scummy politicians allows these capitalist pigs to be taxed at a rate of 5% (not 35%) when they bring their money into the U.S., and has allowed these corporations to “shelter” their money in overseas accounts, at the expense of every American. In the U.S. we hear all the time how great “capitalism” is, even though if you rationally look at the picture, you will see that the reason we are where we are today is because of this same “capitalism” attitude. As long as any corporations are getting tax breaks and subsidizes from the American taxpayer, then they are not “capitalist”. They are no better than the welfare Americans the Republicans scream about, that need to pay their own bills, and be responsible for their own actions. This should apply also to corporate America. They need to be forced to live by what “capitalism” really means. NO HANDOUTS of any kind, sink or swim.

Americans being held hostage by these corporate pigs while they cry poverty need to be taught that the cart does not go before horse. They all have either a product or service they offer, and those that wish to take American jobs overseas need to sell their products or services to the people that are benefiting from the loss of American jobs, because the American Worker’s store has closed. We also need to stop purchasing foreign goods as much as we can. It is becoming more obvious that most all of our elected officials are not interested in helping the common man, they are in it for self political gain bought thru legal bribery so it is time for the common man, to look out for himself and make their point directly to these capitalist pigs. The Republicans use the wording “self-regulate” when it comes to corporations. Americans need to “self-regulate” themselves and boycotting is a wonderful tool for the common man to use in controlling the abuse of capitalist pigs and their political friends. The fact is that “capitalism” really doesn’t exist in America, but “corporate welfare” does.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Phony Pantyhose Populist

In 2008 John McCain introduced America to one of the largest jokes in American history….Sarah Palin. She claimed she was not part of the so-called establishment, and she was here to stand up for the little guy out of the goodness of her Christian heart, you know “Joe 6-pack”, while belonging to the party of the rich and big business. A party that has shown thru proven history they could care less about the “Average Joe” in America. Obviously this simple fact has been overlooked by Sarah Palin. She represented herself as being one of the only “true Americans” left in this country. This true American didn’t bother stating that her and her husband were part of a separatist movement who wanted to secede from the US. An American not wanting to be part of America….how does that work?

When Sarah Palin found her way down to the lower 48 states, she brought with her a phoniness and a form of conscious lies like we have not seen before, shadowing them under "God".  She showed she could NOT tell the truth about her own life, never mind about issues of public importance. It literally was thrown in Americans faces how uninformed she was on any issues. She claimed to be a “feminist” looking out for those working mom’s, while supporting to take those same women’s rights away as with the abortion issue. She claimed to look out for the working person while supporting taking workers rights away. She spewed lies and intended fear into our seniors, by using the cute saying “death panels”. She supports giving more tax breaks to the rich and corporate pigs, while supporting to slash Medicare. She supports guns in schools, restaurants, churches, shopping malls, and anywhere else you can think of. She hates PETA, and will be left with a legacy of killing the first moose for political gain in American history.

She has shown bizarre behavior taking political narcissism to new highs. She flaunts her racist, power-driven, self-righteous attitude while being hateful and vindictive towards those that don’t see things as she does. It is sad to see America spoken so ill of in the name of God, while people fall over themselves to worship this “true American”. Mostly, however Sarah Palin is a symbol of how little substance is left in politics and religion. She is addicted to creating hate among people, while living by shallow slogans, using sound bites as tools and totally ignoring reality in any form. There is indeed something mesmerizing about Sarah Palin, with her mentally ill manic clueless behavior. Her knowledge on any issues make George W. Bush look like Einstein. The other scary part to this story are the followers of Sarah Palin. The women that call themselves “Mommy Grizzlies”, the men that call themselves “Fuckin Rednecks” and “Christians”. These uninformed and ignorant followers need to move past the cute winking and phony accent and use the brains God gave them to see and hear who she is and what she really represents. It is easy sometimes when we act as imbeciles to not know when one is among us. Conservatives thru proven history have a record of voting imbeciles in office as with George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, two of the most destructive presidents in American history. Sarah has the chance to change that stat and make it 3, but the cost to America will be more than anyone can image.

This “true American”, has shown us how she really feels about America, by making a mockery out of our country with this phony campaign ploy. As the majority of Americans takes what is happening in our country serious Sarah Palin is not, and she is laughing all the way to the bank, when she should be showing how great an American she is, by helping in the flood and tornado areas, helping feed the poor, working on environmental issues or anything that had some substance. Sarah Palins substance seems to be made up of being a full time attention whore and worshiping the almighty dollar.

Palin offers nothing more to our society than low budget comedy entertainment, in a time when no one is laughing. She is a typical politician and we must educate ourselves on who all these elected officials are and what they stand for. There is nothing that comes out of a politicians mouth that is truthful and without an underlaying agenda that benefits them and this also applies to the phony pantyhose populist known as Sarah Palin. Evil can only prevail when good people sit by and say or do nothing, don’t let that be you!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Law inforcement are they excluded from following the same laws that you and I are required to abide by!

How many times have you been driving down the freeway and had a COP go screaming past you and you are going 5 miles over the speed limit. You know damn well they are going well over the limit in fact you know their speed in into the "GIVE THEM A TICKET ZONE". Or have you been at the grocery store on your way out. And what, there they are again a COP parking his COP car going into the grocery store in jeans and tee shirt. HUMMMMM........ there goes another couple of my hard earned dollars going into that gas tank paying for that COP go do his personal grocery shopping. Or they have the wife and kids with them probably getting goodies to go on a little drive, OH and of course again at the expense of you and me.

So I would like someone to tell me who the f&!# these cops think they are taking a free ride on my pocket book and breaking the laws by speeding? And if they are doing that I can just imagine what else they are doing that I and you do not see?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Starving CEO's of the Oil Industry

Last week we saw the sorrow and upset in the eyes of the CEO’s of the 5 largest oil companies at the thought they may not retain their taxpayer subsidies or tax breaks.  We heard excuse after excuse and threat after threat if they did not get their corporate welfare as usual there would be consequences to be paid, while the Republicans repeat over and over again, that the social programs in America are welfare programs, and need to be done away with. The anxiety and upset they were feeling, are the same feelings Americans live in everyday while wondering why at the expense of their families they are forced to make sure these CEO’s are provided a lavish standard of living, while crying poverty. The upset shown by these CEO’s were fake, while they hid their smiles knowing their corporate welfare program would continue as usual. This was a guarantee that was purchased and paid in full by contributions to our elected officials and sadly most likely with taxpayer money. Americans should ask themselves how it feels to pay themselves to slash their own throats?

How can these CEO’s look their kids in the face, and have to tell them they can’t buy them homes, cars, the best education and lifestyle taxpayer money can buy. That they can’t have a maid to do everything from feeding them to dressing them. That their wives and kids may have to drive a vehicle themselves, and how upsetting it must be to ask their families to scrape by on their compensation package (not wages) of millions and millions of dollars a year. They say this doesn’t have to be this way for them. It is unfair and anti-American to feel they don’t need and deserve taxpayer money to help in giving them the best life American taxpayers can pay for. They don’t understand what is wrong with Americans that they have a problem with this concept?

What is wrong with Americans? The Americans that continue to vote with a party that drains the blood from them and their families, who cares more about those that pay for their loyalty than those that vote to put them in office their suppose to represent. We live in a fearful paranoid society, that has been created by the lies of the rich, with help from religious leaders, our elected officials and the media. A society where we are held hostage by people that want to control everything including our bodies, minds and thoughts.  How would the rich of America handle being part of the poor, where their wages have been stagnant for years and years, never getting ahead, and always having to look their kids and family in the face and ask them to ration food, ignore their health issues, and live paycheck to paycheck if their lucky. Yes, for the majority of lucky Americans we get to help in keeping these rich asses and their families in fantastic lifestyles, unlike the majority of Americans. For the $2 Billion we give them each year they state we are rewarded by the cost of fuel being low, and are convinced that all of this wealth made for them by us will trickle down to us in jobs and economic growth. One only needs to take the time to study history to see this is a total proven lie. The oil companies claim this cost is a bargain for taxpayers, and even with these subsidies they still have a hard time making a profit and running their companies. Lies are accepted in America easily, but facts takes time and effort that most Americans don’t feel is necessary or needed. It is easier to listen to others opinions and adopt them as their own. Getting rid of these subsidies will never happen, we need only to look no further than whom we vote for, and keep in office. Most Americans vote with a political party no matter what they stand for, or the history of whom they are. They vote for whom they do because of religion and family history. This has to stop. We need to start thinking on our own, and not allow ourselves to be persuaded by lies from our elected officials, so-called religious leaders along with the media that sold their souls long ago to the devil while claiming their immoral antics and tactics are done in the name of “God”, therefore making it okay. Is this the same “God” that gave us a brain that is being used as tool by the devil, while claiming he is a Christian?

As we now know the Republican party along with 3 Democrats have once again slashed Americans throats, while putting a golden ring around these oil companies necks. These fearful CEO’s have to fear no longer, once again money has spoken at the expense of 99% of America. When will Americans stop this insanity, and pull that golden ring so damn tight they choke?


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism?

The more I have gotten involved in our government system and the things they are trying to do, I found myself with questions on just what Fascism, Communism, Socialism and Capitalism meant.

The more I researched on the internet to answer these questions the more I came to realize that there is a base on which each of these types of governments run.

Fascism-- A government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, demanding strict attention to rules and procedures, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship.
Founded by Mussolini in 1919.

Communism-- This is very complicated to explain. There are many definitions and some of the definitions sound nearly opposite of other definitions. I will try to explain this. Karl Marx, a German philosopher, in the early 1800’s explained his idea of communism. He felt like it was unfair form some people to be rich and for others to be poor. He felt the only way to change this was to get rid of private ownership of property. His theory was everyone owned everything together.

What we see today as Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain a classless society. A society where people have no rights, and everything is dictated by the government. This is anything from where you live, what you eat, even what type of religion you will believe in. You own nothing. People are very poor under communistic rule. When this happens you are Screwed.

Socialism--A government in which the people collectively own and democratically operate the industries and social services through an economic democracy. This would replace the political government run by politicians with an industrial government run by workers and their elected representatives. A system not for profit for the few, but for the good of all.

Socialism means economic democracy, which we do not have today. We have political democracy, which means the owners of the companies has all the power, they are like mini dictators.

Capitalism-- A economic system of privately controlled business solely for the purpose of profit. They exist to make money. Under Capitalism the workers receive only a small percent of the wealth that they produce, while the capitalist owners get rich off the back of the workers. What society does this sound like? HMM, maybe this is what we in America call Democracy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Republican Vision for America

An America where there are two classes, the poor and the rich.

An America where woman have no rights, including not allowing them to vote.

An America where women are forced to bear children and abortion doctors are killed.

An America where there are no regulations or rules for businesses......anything goes.

An America where all land is open to drilling and mining. National parks not needed.

An America where the worker makes pennies a day, not dollars, no benefits, and NO worker rights.

An America where the common people pay all the taxes, and where the rich and businesses pay none.

An America where healthcare is only for the upper class.

An America where shipping American jobs overseas is the right thing to do…...more profits, less cost.

An America where public education does not exist.

An America that eliminates social programs, as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security.

An America where defense spending never decreases.

An America where social justice is not necessary. Look out for yourself, and DO NOT help your fellowman, they deserve what they get.

An America where the unemployed are punished.

An America where there is no government, and everything is run and ruled thru privatization.

An America where the elderly, the disabled and the poor are not welcome because they are welfare cases and can’t take care of themselves.

An America where only “Christians” are allowed to live. No other religions allowed.

An America that is all white…..NO exceptions!

An America where “Freedom of Speech” is controlled, and common people are only allowed one point of view.

An America where the “Constitution” only applies in some circumstances.

An America where everyone is armed.

An America that will arrest anyone that does not go to church and worship God on Sunday.

An America where unwed mothers are not accepted, and the fathers are.

An America where global warming and environmental issues will be ignored.

An America where gays are imprisoned.....and

An America where Corporate welfare is accepted, condoned and encouraged.

As the cries of socialism rings loud from the right-wing mouthpieces, the implementation of “communism” is well underway, as the masses ignore the signs. And what are those signs? The Republicans vision of America. If this is your vision also, continue to vote Republican. As for most of us in America, this is NOT our vision, this is our NIGHTMARE, and if they get away with it, it will be your NIGHTMARE too.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NO Freedom of Speech in Utah

Freedom of Speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship and is recognized as a human right. Everyone in America has the right to freedom of opinion and expression and our Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment to our Constitution.

This week, after submitting an comment letter to City Weekly, I learned what “Freedom of Speech” really means, as well as censorship. Shortly after submitting my comment about our new state gun, I received an email and phone call stating they wanted to include my comment in their letter section. They took all my information, it was short and sweet, and I looked forward to voicing my opinion. The conversation of censoring and editing my comment was never discussed.

Censorship is the act of changing a message, including the act of deletion, between the sender and the receiver, without the sender’s and receiver’s consent and knowledge. When my comment was posted on their website, as well as in their paper itself, I was shocked and dismayed to see they had taken my letter and censored it. The letter posted and printed was not the letter I submitted, just a very watered down version, that had been tailored and altered. They had used the parts they wanted and left the rest out. When the comment letter was submitted, the correct thing was to state they were unable to print it as submitted, not take it upon themselves to censor it, without my knowledge. Their slogan is “If we won’t print it, who will”. In choosing to censor my letter, this obviously did not apply to me.

Democracy, with its limitations requires freedom of speech. Every totalitarian government begins by controlling the voices of those that speak out. Censorship always has a way of defeating it’s own purpose, for in the end it reflects society’s lack of confidence in itself.

John F Kennedy stated, “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let it's people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of it’s own people.

Censorship is a threat to our way of life as Americans and with the help of the media, along with the influence of our elected officials and church leaders our voices are becoming silent. The only valid censorship of opinions and expressions is the right of people not to listen.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Fiscal Fiasco

The wording “fiscally responsible” gets thrown around by the Republican party more than the word “abortion”. The Republicans have never been “fiscally responsible” anymore than the only Christians in America belong to their party. The common man voting with the Republican party needs to stop listening to the untrue message they are selling, while wrapping themselves in the “American flag” and using the word “God”.

In the last 60 years every Republican administration upon leaving office has left Americans with a greater deficit than was handed to them by any outgoing Democratic administrations. At no time since 1945 when Republicans have been in total control of Congress have they ever reduced spending. In 1981 when the Republicans idol Saint Reagan was elected in office, he repeatedly called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, while never submitting a balanced budget himself. His first 6 years both the house and the senate were controlled by the Republicans, and it was not until his last 2 years when the Democrats controlled both the house and senate that the growth of the debt slowed.

The Republican party has a history of driving up the deficit by cutting taxes for the wealthy, increasing military spending, and doing everything within their power to eliminate social programs. They claim that Saint Reagan proved tax cuts lead to higher government revenue, when the outcome of this belief showed that not to be true. They continue today to feel that if you give tax cuts to the rich you will be able to balance the budget, create jobs and bring growth to America. Whatever they're smoking I am amazed that they haven't legalized it, taxed the common person for using it, and give the rich a tax break for getting “God” to allow us to use it.

Then the icing fell off of the cake, during the Bush administration and those Americans that were paying close attention learned the hard lesson in using the wording “fiscally responsible” and “Republican” together.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Who's Body is it?

With the issue of abortion again on the forefront, we have a select few that insist on taking a woman's constitutional rights away and force them to have a child. Most of that select few are of the male gender.

For a lifetime men have tried to oppress women, becoming pissed off that they can’t convince us that the earth is flat, and that if we venture out, we will fall off the edge. We live in a society that speaks of how disgusting women are treated and oppressed in the Middle East, while we ignore the fact that women are treated as bad in the US in their own way. We believe that all men are born free in America, so how is it that all women are born slaves?

For any man to judge a woman for something they will never understand should be disturbing to any woman in America, and for any women to feel they have the right to make a decision for another woman is more than shameful. For any man or woman to tell another what they can and can’t do with their bodies and feel others should live and practice what they believe in is more than unacceptable.  These are the same Americans that push the "Constitution" and what it stands for.  The "Constitution" that allows freedom for every man and woman to get to heaven or hell in their own way.  They condone their actions by using "God" as their tool.  These same people have just enough religion and love of "God" to make them hate others, but not enough to make them love the ones they hate.

During the feminist revolution, the battle lines were simple. It was easy to tell the enemy, they were the ones with the penis, how times have changed.

The abortion issue in the US is not complicated and can be dealt with in 2 steps: (1) The women in America that want to force other women to have children, needs to be forced to adopt these children with no financial help from taxpayers…and (2) when a man has the ability to shoot a child thru the end of his penis, they can have a voice in telling the women of America what they can do with their bodies.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guns, Sex, Drugs and Utah

Finally a gun Utah can call their own. The lst state to name an official state gun. The Browning Model M1911 automatic pistol will be placed along with the honey bee and the cutthroat trout as part of our state symbols. Because of the fact that John M. Browning who founded the company, that makes the M1911 was born in Ogden, Utah our elected officials felt that this so-called honor was well deserved. That sentiment being different depending on your views on guns. While Utah beams on this accomplishment like the light that shown down on their leader Joseph Smith the abundance of hypocrisy reins strong within the church that controls this state.

Naming a state gun is no better of an image for Utah and nothing to be proud of anymore than the fact we are the #1 online porn capital of the US and as the general population goes, we consume more porn than anyone. While the majority of the population in Utah claim they live by old-fashioned values, and are all about family & marriage, those same hyprocrites are using their time for family and church to consume more porn than any other state.  Maybe it was the Osmonds gone wild videos that sent them over the edge.

To add to our fantastic image, the residents of Utah have a severe drug problem. Utah is the antidepressant capital of the US. We also are #1 in having the largest population of children under the age of 18.…1/3 of our population and we rate high in excessive obesity.

If what we are taught in life, that we have to take the good with the bad, then we need to add a few more state symbols along with the new state gun. When we become #1 in anything we need to acknowledge it. I vote we need a state magazine to represent our contribution to the porn industry . . . maybe Hustler. I vote we need a state drug and since antidepressants are our drug of choice. . . maybe Prozac. I vote we need to acknowledge our accomplishment in having more kids under the age of 18 than any other state . . . maybe the Condom, and we need a state food . . . maybe the Hot Dog and don’t forget dessert . . . maybe Jello. But, the #1 state symbol we need is a sheep in wolves clothing that represents the #1 capital of hyprocrites.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What, Mexican flag and not an American flag?????

So what's up with this. I thought I was in Mexico for a minute then I slapped myself and looked around me. So it has always been a belief of mine that if you come to America alias United States to live from another country that you become a citizen, you know like you are an American now, not a Mexican. So that would mean that you should be flying an American flag not a Mexican flag. Hummmmmmmmm, should you want to check it out for yourself if it is still up it is at 1380 S Main Street in good old South Salt Lake City.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Government Waste 2010

The timely release of Senator Tom Coburn’s book “Waste 2010”, sheds a bright light on outrageous ways our tax dollars are being wasted. Senator Coburn states he can save 11.5 billion dollars, which shows that he is not serious about eliminating the waste, since there is much, much more waste that he chooses to ignore.

Senator Coburn has identified 100 of these pet projects eating up taxpayer dollars, with thousands more not being listed or talked about. Here are a few examples:

3 million to University of Cal. of Irvine to play video games.

1 million dollars to create poetry for Little Rock, New Orleans, Milwaukee, & Chicago Zoos.

175 million to the U.S. Veterans Affairs to maintain hundreds of buildings they do not use.

1.8 million to Las Vegas, Nevada for a museum for neon signs.

$137,530 to Dartmouth University to create a video game.

$600,000 to Minnesota Zoo to develop an online video game, “Wolf quest”.

$800,000 (stimulus money) to National Institute of Health, to study genital washing program on South African men.

$615,000 to University Calif. at Santa Cruz to digitize photos, T-Shirts and concert tickets belonging to the Grateful Dead.

$239,100 to a Stanford University professor to study how Americans find Love on the internet.

$442,340 to the National Institute of Health to study male prostitutes in Vietnam.

Senator Coburn is not the only politician in Washington, that is fully aware of these pet projects and their cost to the taxpayer. In the past decade, the size of government has doubled while Congress approved more than 90,000 earmarks. Pet projects as these have been a large problem in our government and increase year after year costing massive amounts of taxpayer dollars, increasing tenfold since 1991. The waste is justified by claiming everything from “eliminating waste is a violation of our Constitution“, to “eliminating them won’t matter it is such a small amount compared to the debt“.

Earmarks invites more and more corruption within Congress both on a state and federal level. To Congress earmarks are the staple in their political diet, with the only thing on the menu being how they can advance their political agenda while leaving taxpayers of America paying the bill.

While Congress marches on to cut spending, they target the middle class, poor and the elderly. My suggestion is bring in an expert, a common housewife that balances her family’s budget and give Congress a lesson in fiscal responsibility.

I have to ask if he is able to do this on his own, what is the rest of our great politicians doing up there?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity (AFP)? Who are those Americans they are speaking of? It clearly is not the middle class, poor or even the elderly in America. The only Americans obtaining any prosperity in America are people like the Koch brothers, that continue off of the back of common people to become richer and richer, while claiming they need tax-exempt status, more tax breaks, no regulations and subsidies from the government. The same abused rich that whine about Obama and his attempt to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. They however have no problem with the redistribution of wealth from the poor to themselves. They continue to use the philosophy of Reagan known as “trickle down economics”. Give to the rich and the wealth will trickle down to the pheasants. We now know that this philosophy did not work and never will work. Greed is their #1 driving tool, and they will not stop until there are two classes in America, as Reagan attempted…..the rich and the poor. Americans need to face reality that they are part of the poor class, and stop voting in support of the rich.

The inherited wealth of the Koch Brothers is being used to make sure the common people in America does not become prosperous and are recruiting our elected officials to make sure that happens. AFP funded and founded by none other than the Koch brothers, circulated a pledge to our government officials that stated, they were required to oppose any climate change legislation that would result in a net increase in government revenue. As of August 2010 more than 600 lawmakers & candidates, primarily Republicans all signed the AFP’s pledge. It should be very, very disturbing for anyone in America to know that the legal bribery as well as the bullying of our officials to do the bidding of corporate pigs as the Koch brothers exist while using tax exempt status to do so. There is something unnerving and sad that Americans sit by and allow this type of abuse. Abuse that affects them and their families. These same families that the Republican party claim the Democrats are destroying and they are looking out for. The same ones that are whining about how their kids and grandkids will live in the future. Is anyone that is part of the middle class, the poor or the elderly that votes with the Republican party awake in America?

A proven fact is that the Republican party could care less about the middle class, the poor or the elderly in this country. They have stated and history has shown thru their actions that the last people they care about is the common man. They need the common people, because if it was not for them, they would not exist. If the only people supporting the Republican party were the ones they look out for and are loyal to they would have no more than 5% of American support.

As the whining continues that Obama is creating a socialist country, fascism is silently taking over. People should be frightened. Frightened of a party with the sole intent of destroying the common people of America on behalf of capitalist greedy pigs.



Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DOES The GOVERNMENT Work For The People, Or DOES The People WORK For The Government?

This is a questions that I think all Americans need to stop and think about. With the country all ready bankrupt you have to stop and question what our elected officials are thinking.

I find it interesting that when it comes time to balance any budget, the only area that is targeted is the middle class , poor and the elderly. Why is it that our officials do not start with themselves and all the waste they promote. Do you not find it interesting that not one of them ever considers in taking a pay cut, benefit cuts or any other cuts. They seem to feel they are entitled to this because they are working for the good of the people. What People, themselves? When was the last time you voted yourself in a pay raise?? You got paid a full weeks work and only worked part of the time?? You got a set cost of living raise? My answer would be NEVER.

I think it is time for all Government officials, that works for us the taxpayers to have to work like the rest of us.

It is time for the President on Down to take a pay cut (not just freeze there wages). They need to work for minimum wage until this country gets back on its feet. No early retirement, no top of the line medical care. They get what we get, since we foot the bill. And absolutely no raises from this day forward, no extra benefits, no laws that only benefit them, with out we the taxpayers approving it.

Its time for American to take back our country and stop being held hostage by our own government. For without us the Middle Class, poor and the elderly there would be no government.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Chemtrails, are they really poisoning us???

Have you seen the trails in the sky? Just what are they. Some beleive that the government is spraying chemical in the air overhead. If you have not heard of this or seen it maybe you should start looking into the sky's when jets pass overhead. Start noticing how long the jet condensation trails last. They should only last a couple of minutes then disapear. Chemtrails as they call them last from what I have been reading up to and over an hour. Check this out for your self, Google the word Chemtrails and see what is being said.

Johan Bouwer from Canada said the issue first came to his attention about a year and a half ago, after he noticed jet condensation trails lingering for more than a half-hour above his home.
“I saw them with my own eyes,” he said. “After a half-hour, the trails start to widen out, and within a couple of hours, the whole atmosphere becomes hazy.”
He said normal vapour disappears within 10 minutes.

Check out the links below or just google Chemtrails for your self also look at Chemtrails on youtube and see what others have been seeing and ask yourself the question, what are they doing to us?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fair Play For All!

As a new year has begun and all of our great leading politicians are busy making all the new laws that will govern our lives, I think we have to question what is “fair play“.

The laws they make for the good of the people clearly is NOT the laws that govern them.
They sell Americans that these changes are for their good, and society as a whole. They are masters at the art of lying in order to convince America they were elected to represent the people. They seem to have forgotten that this too in our society is a privilege NOT A RIGHT, as they claim with education and healthcare. These laws have shown they usually are not for the good of the people, but benefits themselves and the rich that purchase them.

When the common people of America have to be held up to a higher standard then those that represent us, it comes time to replace them. When Americans deliberately steal and abuse others, they are prosecuted. The elites of America do the same thing, and are rewarded. My guess is like most Americans this is “UNACCEPTABLE”.

A couple of ways of this abuse of power and greed is shown in the automatic pay raises and a cost of living increase each year they have voted in for themselves. Would you like to vote yourself in a raise or COLA?

As economic times have gotten worse over the years affecting the common people we are asked to give more and more, while a very few are excluded, the politicians been part of that group.

I think we would all love to make the salaries they are paid. John Boehner received a pay increase of $30,100 to increase his pay to $223,500 year. The rest of our great leaders has a base pay of $174,000 a year, with the Majority and Minority leaders making $193,400 a year and….don’t forget all the great benefits they receive. Better healthcare, expense accounts, great retirement for life available after serving one term, and don’t forget the 3 day work week.

ENOUGH, I don’t know about the rest of America, but I am damn tired of paying for politicians that only work for the rich.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress?

Since Obama has been in office the Christians in America have come out in full force claiming he is not one of them. These same Christians have been equally abusive with their rhetoric against Michelle Obama.

We have heard everything from she is a bad mother to she’s telling them what they can eat. They speak ill of her daily and the hate is sad and disgusting to listen to and watch.

The Republican party and their hateful Christians that make it up, need to ask themselves the question: “Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress”? With Newt Gingrich announcing a possible run for President in 2012, we may have the opportunity to place an adulteress in the White House as our First Lady.

America needs to take pride with whom is elected in office, they represent all of us. The last thing we need is to condone and accept people that lacks morals and ethics in our highest office representing us.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Restribution of Wealth

It has become amusing to watch the large percentage of the middle class, the poor and the elderly in America be so concerned about the rich. We hear daily rhetoric coming from our elected officials with the help of our media stating why should the rich be punished for the wealth they have worked so hard for. The Republicans call it a “redistribution of wealth”. I am not sure what they call the raping of Americans by the rich, but clearly it also is “redistribution of wealth”…..taking from the poor to give to the rich. No Americans I feel begrudges the rich their wealth, but when it is off of the back of the middle class, poor and our elderly then the wording “redistribution of wealth” is the wrong wording, RAPE is a better word.

We are told over and over again that we should thank and give to the rich, they are the ones that give us jobs and provide the lifestyle we live…..really? Me myself, I feel these idiots daily put the cart before the horse, while we all watch and act clueless. If it was not for us, they would have a very hard time existing. They need us to do their chores and work in their businesses. We make them their money that provides their status in our society all while they abuse us. They whine about the wage they have to pay and get enraged when it comes to offering benefits, as their profits soar. They ignore the fact that we are the backbone of who they are. They need us, we are their food. They look to us to carry this country, stating they are taxed to much and need more subsidies and tax breaks in order to operate, while calling themselves capitalists. Looks like it is time for a diet in America.

As Americans we need to seriously take a look from whom this rhetoric is coming. In watching the rhetoric daily coming out of our media from local to CNN, MSNBC and FOX I never see any of them giving a platform to an average American, someone that is from the middle class, from our poor to our elderly on any of their stations, while they have no problem with giving a platform to the politicians, rich pundents, commentators, millionaires and billionaires that seem to think they have the right to tell the middle class, poor and our elderly how they should live and claim they understand how we feel. They do not, nor ever will understand. To continue to allow these people to keep stating they represent us, we all need to be ashamed as Americans.

It seems that in our country we have a big issue, which is that we don’t face reality. We attempt to live and be someone we’re not, which gets us into financial trouble that results in destroying families. We need to take a step back, and implement some discipline and deal with whom we really are in society and accept that we will never be part of the rich that Americans are looking out for. The rich sees to this. So the next time you feel the need as part of the middle class, poor and the elderly to worry about the rich keeping their money, remember off of whose back they got that money.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Who Did GOD Give the Power Too?

I just read where Georgia State Representative Republican Bobby Franklin has put forth a bill to hold all women responsible for the termination of a fetus no matter what causes it.
Bill HB1, Women who miscarry would become FELONS if they could not prove there was no human involvement whatsoever in the miscarriage. This would be almost impossible to prove.
He believes civil government should return to its Biblical and Constitutionally defined role.
Last time I checked church and state were not suppose to mix.
So I have to ask a couple of things, one of them being why they think they can take my constitutional rights away as a woman.
And second, I want to know where in the Bible it says, "All of you great Christians place judgement on one another, you are acting as GOD on my behalf!".
Last time I read the Bible he said, "Judge lest you be judged".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The first labor unions gained strength in the 1820’s. The percentage of the American workforce that was unionized peaked in the l950’s, and during the decades leading up to Ronald Reagan’s presidency the number of union members grew, but not as a quickly as the workforce.

With the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, it reduced the power of unions to support each other when striking. This act made it harder to form new unions and encouraged employees to attack the unions.

In 1981 Reagan fired approximately 12,000 air traffic controllers for striking stating, they were violating a law that did not allow federal workers to strike.  He set the limits for public employee unions and give the green light to businesses that it was okay to play hardball with private sector unions. This same union endorsed Reagan. He made it much harder for workers who wanted to have a union to do so by stacking the labor board with anti-union people. Big profit’s the goal.

As much as the Republicans hate unions, unions are based on the American ideal of democracy. The first thing Communists did when they took over a country was to make all independent unions illegal. As much as the Republican party shows total paranoia when it comes to “Communism”, they are practicing and embracing classic communist ideas and tactics by stopping the rights of the workers.

Republicans complain that workers are combative. They look at the worker as a liability to the system and not an asset. The rich of this country agrees. They hate anything that benefits anyone other than themselves. They hate not only the unions but programs that helps the common person. The rich as well as the Repubs don’t see themselves as part of the “common folk” nor do they want to. They are upset and believe that the liberals of America wants to take all their wealth and give it to the rest of America, you know all those welfare cases, otherwise known in America as the middle class, the poor and the elderly. Those same people that are the backbone of their companies. Any type of labor organization scares the hell out of them and goes against their core beliefs. They have put a lot of work into brainwashing Americans that organizing is bad for their health, their families and their lifestyles. The criticisms and attempts to break the unions by the Republicans have been the same forever, they just keep coloring it differently and their betting that the common person won’t catch on.

Unions are needed. They contribute to the prosperity and strength of our country. They force unfair employers to be fair to their workers. The laws we have today in the work place are due from unionizing. The greed-driven corporate leaders fight to keep wages low while they make massive profits, pay no overtime for overtime work, replace full time workers with part time workers in order to get out of paying benefits and doing all they can in their power to take away any benefits offered to workers. The common person that supports the Republican party like everyone at one time or another, have had situations on the job that a union could help with, but because of their hard lined principals they will not allow themselves the help.

It has been said that due to unions demanding higher salaries and more benefits, the cost of all services and products go up. This is meant to scare the hell out of you and to convince you this is due to unionism. These same capitalist pigs feels the need for greed is top priority. Their union...the Chamber of Commerce. They treat unions as if they are a cancer on society, the same unions that are made up of workers who stand together for the purpose of improving their employment conditions and protecting themselves as well as their co-workers from the abuse and exploitation by these capitalist pigs. Workers of America need to NOT forget that every paid vacation, every overtime dollar, the protection from arbitrary dismissal and any other unfair treatment came about because of unionism. It is a fact that non-union workers are paid lower wages and most have no benefits. Never enough profits. But, BEWARE America….the cure of what these capitalist pigs, with the help of the Republican party is offering, is much worse than the disease.

As we see with the turmoil in Wisconsin, egged on by a Republican Governor, with the backing of capitalist pigs as the Koch brothers, it is claimed that the problem is because of abusive unions.  The way they feel to fix this problem is to break the unions and the worker.  Now why would the Koch brothers and their capitalist pig buddies be so concerned with people organizing and having a voice?

Koch Industries is the largest private controllers of energy in the world. In 2003 an astroturf (definition: one organization or set of individuals pretending to be another group. Phony or synthetic movement.) front group formed an organization called “Americans for Prosperity”, started by David Koch and Richard Fink (a member of the Board of Directors of Koch Industries). Some of their practiced beliefs includes: opposition to smoking bans, clean air laws, the EPA, public education, heathcare reform, workers rights and global warming to name just a few.

The Koch brothers inherited a vast fortune from their father Fred Koch who was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur, starting his career with the “Texas Company” in Port Arthur, Texas and later became chief engineer with the Medway Oil & Storage Company in England. In 1925 he joined a fellow MIT classmate P.C. Keith at Keith-Winkler Engineering in Wichita, Kansas. When Keith departed in 1925 the firm’s name was changed to Winkler-Koch Engineering Company. In 1927, he developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline. Established oil companies claimed Koch had threatened their competitive advantage and Koch and its customers were sued for patent infringement. Although they won all the lawsuits, the litigation put Winkler-Koch out of business in the US for several years. Winkler-Koch then showed up in foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. In the early 1930’s Winkler-Koch hosted Soviet technicians for training. During his time in the Soviet Union, Koch came to despise communism. In 1940 Koch joined new partners to create the Wood River Oil & Refining Company which today is known as Koch Industries.

Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society (JBS). The JBS claims they are anti-totalitarian, anti-socialist and anti-communist and they have classified themselves as a non-profit organization. They advocate the repeal of civil rights, sometimes being called a “White Citizens Society”. JBS felt it was up to them to fight communism using their own techniques. These techniques consisted partially of organizing front groups. The society was named in honor of John Morrison Birch, a fundamentalist Baptist missionary from Georgia who was an intelligence officer in China during WWII. In 1945 he was killed by Chinese communists.

The society saw “collectivism” as the main threat to western civilization. “Collectivism” is a political system based upon government control of all key cultural and economic institutions. Under “collectivism” the well being of the collective, the group, is considered more important than the individual who must sacrifice his self-interest to that of the group. They believe that liberals are secret communist traitors, with the ultimate goal of replacing the nations of western civilization with a one-world socialist government. One of their first priorities was a campaign referred to as the “Get US out of UN”, because they believe the UN’s goal is to build a one-world government.

Another front group is the current Bradley Foundation. In 1903 along with his brother Lynde, Fred Koch co-founded the Allen-Bradley Company, a company that made controllers that regulated the speed of motors. In 1939 there was a bitter strike at his plant, and this would ignite the hatred he had of unions. Along with hating unions, he strongly disliked women and minorities. Women had worked at his plant since 1918, being underpaid, only because they were not men. The women sued in 1966 over not being paid the same wage as the men that was performing the same job. A federal judge ruled in the women’s favor. He died in 1965 still consumed with hate of unions. In 1985 Rockwell International purchased the Allen-Brady Company, which in part funded the Bradley Foundation giving them more funds to push their extreme ideas. One of which was to do away with unions. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing, and to reduce the cost of producing & distributing anti-communist propaganda. They did this by turning themselves into a non-profit organization.

The Tea Party movement in America is funded by the Koch brothers. The tea baggers claim their not funded by the Koch brothers a lie they probably do believe. The Koch brothers do NOT want to be directly associated with the tea baggers partly, because of the racist elements of the movement. Wouldn’t want it to affect their business if people found out their part in the racist hate in America. The lifelong astroturf campaign that the Koch brothers has pushed has produced the Tea Party. Movements such as the Tea Party movement as shown thru history are usually not exposed for whom they really are until long after they have done major damage to society.

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is part of the Tea Party movement, and with the help of big money from the Koch brothers and their front groups they purchased his new job for him. Rupert Murdoch owner of News Corporation, parent company of non other than FOX News, matched David Koch’s donation of $1 Million to the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) that in turn spent approximately $5 Million to buy Scott Walker the Governor seat in Wisconsin, while proudly describing themselves as “key investors” in getting Walker elected.

Scott Walker threatens he will lay off 6,000 state employees & the removal of more than 200,000 children from the Medicaid program. He also would allow the Department of Health Services the POWER to make any changes to Medicaid it deems necessary, regardless of current laws. He also would allow no-bid contracts, the way Dick Cheney did with Haliburton. He called a special session of the legislature and signed 2 business tax breaks and a conservative health-care policy that lowered overall tax revenues. The new legislation was not offset, and it helped turn a surplus into a deficit. Once again the common person is expected to clean up the mess of the rich, while they claim we need to thank them. Thank you…..The John Birch Society, The Bradley Foundation, and of course the Koch brothers. Democracy in America is wonderful isn’t it?

We have listened to the whining coming from the Republicans and the Tea Party that the Obama administration is destroying America. His intent is a socialist society. The underhanded tactics that have been seen during the unrest in Wisconsin shows nothing less than the disrespect for Americans and their rights. This is nothing short of communistic tactics in taking the power away from the people. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing...