Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Question Not Being Asked...

As we move closer to the Republican party nominating their candidate to run against Barack Obama, America seems to be leaving out a very important question. “Can any of these candidates run the United States of America”? The question heard over and over again is “can they beat Obama”. Hopefully we really don’t believe that the first qualification to be president of the United States in 2012 is if they can beat Obama.

We have had the opportunity in last couple of months to learn who the candidates are and what they stand for. The problem…most Americans do not take it upon themselves to learn about who they vote for. They learn about how the government works and who the politicians are from sound bites, lies and gossip of the media, ex-politicians, pundits and contributors. The rest comes from the lying politicians themselves. A recent in your face example is what we have witnessed from the Tea Bagger movement, a self proclaimed grassroots movement that is run by a lobbyist (Dick Armey), funded by corporate pigs (the Koch brothers) and supported by a sleazebag politician (Jim DeMint). We have seen Trump, Bachmann, Perry and now Cain as their perfect candidate. If the time had been taken to educate themselves about who these candidates are and what they stand for and believe in, then we would not be witnessing the rollercoaster ride in choosing their golden boy for 2012.

The word pathetic does not do justice to the Republican candidates running for president in 2012. There is Mitt Romney, who not only the Republicans but the Tea Baggers don’t like.  They feel he is not conservative enough nor is he a "Christian".  He is felt worse about than in 2008 when the party got stuck with running Grandpa Moses (John McCain) and Caribou Barbie (Sarah Palin). Then there is New Gingrich, which has no morals, values or ethics about him and is just a political asshole with a neo-con attitude. The next great asshole running is Hermain Cain who refuses to acknowledge he is black, is a old time male chauvinistic pig who’s only exposure to foreign policy is the boxes made in china used at his pizza place. Then out of Texas rides in Rick Perry on a donkey thinking it was a horse, and he is still confused. Behind Perry, and his confusion comes in Michelle Bachmann, an absolute disgrace to women, their intelligence and the decades of work that has allowed women a voice. Along with Michelle Bachmann is Rick Santorum that claims the founding fathers insisted that the role of “Religion” was to be part of politics, which they did not. Santorum feels he is part of the “religion police” in America, and that gives him the right to enter into Americans bedrooms as well as a woman’s uterus, while claiming God intended for this to be his role. If this is true he should be so busy, he would no way have time to run the United States. Just as the extreme views as Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum have with being the “religion police” of America, Ron Paul could care less if Americans have any values, morals or ethics. His stance being look out for yourself and only yourself, it’s not your civic duty to help those less fortunate. That leaves the last candidate which is Jon Huntsman. Jon Huntsman gives the Republican party a new face. He leaves out the extreme ideological ideas that has been so ingrained in the Republican party created by fear and paranoia for decades and brings a common sense and rational face to the party, a face that is being ignored at their own peril. He shows that it is time for the party to come into the 21st century, instead of wanting to take America back to the 1930’s before the New Deal.

With all the differences between the Republican candidates, it can be acknowledged with confidence that the Republican party will continue to push the “us” vs. “them” agenda. They will continue to claim they are the “true Americans”, they are the “Christian” party, they are the party that will keep America safe from terrorist, they are the “fiscally responsible” party, small government party and the party of morals. Knowledge is power and history is fact. By gaining knowledge of history it is a fact that none of these claims are true, yet many Americans continue to believe a lie, while asking themselves what has happened to America.

The question in America not being asked is a simple one. Can any of these Republican candidates run this country and if we so unlucky to have a Republican as president in 2012, what then….