Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Phony Pantyhose Populist

In 2008 John McCain introduced America to one of the largest jokes in American history….Sarah Palin. She claimed she was not part of the so-called establishment, and she was here to stand up for the little guy out of the goodness of her Christian heart, you know “Joe 6-pack”, while belonging to the party of the rich and big business. A party that has shown thru proven history they could care less about the “Average Joe” in America. Obviously this simple fact has been overlooked by Sarah Palin. She represented herself as being one of the only “true Americans” left in this country. This true American didn’t bother stating that her and her husband were part of a separatist movement who wanted to secede from the US. An American not wanting to be part of America….how does that work?

When Sarah Palin found her way down to the lower 48 states, she brought with her a phoniness and a form of conscious lies like we have not seen before, shadowing them under "God".  She showed she could NOT tell the truth about her own life, never mind about issues of public importance. It literally was thrown in Americans faces how uninformed she was on any issues. She claimed to be a “feminist” looking out for those working mom’s, while supporting to take those same women’s rights away as with the abortion issue. She claimed to look out for the working person while supporting taking workers rights away. She spewed lies and intended fear into our seniors, by using the cute saying “death panels”. She supports giving more tax breaks to the rich and corporate pigs, while supporting to slash Medicare. She supports guns in schools, restaurants, churches, shopping malls, and anywhere else you can think of. She hates PETA, and will be left with a legacy of killing the first moose for political gain in American history.

She has shown bizarre behavior taking political narcissism to new highs. She flaunts her racist, power-driven, self-righteous attitude while being hateful and vindictive towards those that don’t see things as she does. It is sad to see America spoken so ill of in the name of God, while people fall over themselves to worship this “true American”. Mostly, however Sarah Palin is a symbol of how little substance is left in politics and religion. She is addicted to creating hate among people, while living by shallow slogans, using sound bites as tools and totally ignoring reality in any form. There is indeed something mesmerizing about Sarah Palin, with her mentally ill manic clueless behavior. Her knowledge on any issues make George W. Bush look like Einstein. The other scary part to this story are the followers of Sarah Palin. The women that call themselves “Mommy Grizzlies”, the men that call themselves “Fuckin Rednecks” and “Christians”. These uninformed and ignorant followers need to move past the cute winking and phony accent and use the brains God gave them to see and hear who she is and what she really represents. It is easy sometimes when we act as imbeciles to not know when one is among us. Conservatives thru proven history have a record of voting imbeciles in office as with George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, two of the most destructive presidents in American history. Sarah has the chance to change that stat and make it 3, but the cost to America will be more than anyone can image.

This “true American”, has shown us how she really feels about America, by making a mockery out of our country with this phony campaign ploy. As the majority of Americans takes what is happening in our country serious Sarah Palin is not, and she is laughing all the way to the bank, when she should be showing how great an American she is, by helping in the flood and tornado areas, helping feed the poor, working on environmental issues or anything that had some substance. Sarah Palins substance seems to be made up of being a full time attention whore and worshiping the almighty dollar.

Palin offers nothing more to our society than low budget comedy entertainment, in a time when no one is laughing. She is a typical politician and we must educate ourselves on who all these elected officials are and what they stand for. There is nothing that comes out of a politicians mouth that is truthful and without an underlaying agenda that benefits them and this also applies to the phony pantyhose populist known as Sarah Palin. Evil can only prevail when good people sit by and say or do nothing, don’t let that be you!