Saturday, March 5, 2011

Fair Play For All!

As a new year has begun and all of our great leading politicians are busy making all the new laws that will govern our lives, I think we have to question what is “fair play“.

The laws they make for the good of the people clearly is NOT the laws that govern them.
They sell Americans that these changes are for their good, and society as a whole. They are masters at the art of lying in order to convince America they were elected to represent the people. They seem to have forgotten that this too in our society is a privilege NOT A RIGHT, as they claim with education and healthcare. These laws have shown they usually are not for the good of the people, but benefits themselves and the rich that purchase them.

When the common people of America have to be held up to a higher standard then those that represent us, it comes time to replace them. When Americans deliberately steal and abuse others, they are prosecuted. The elites of America do the same thing, and are rewarded. My guess is like most Americans this is “UNACCEPTABLE”.

A couple of ways of this abuse of power and greed is shown in the automatic pay raises and a cost of living increase each year they have voted in for themselves. Would you like to vote yourself in a raise or COLA?

As economic times have gotten worse over the years affecting the common people we are asked to give more and more, while a very few are excluded, the politicians been part of that group.

I think we would all love to make the salaries they are paid. John Boehner received a pay increase of $30,100 to increase his pay to $223,500 year. The rest of our great leaders has a base pay of $174,000 a year, with the Majority and Minority leaders making $193,400 a year and….don’t forget all the great benefits they receive. Better healthcare, expense accounts, great retirement for life available after serving one term, and don’t forget the 3 day work week.

ENOUGH, I don’t know about the rest of America, but I am damn tired of paying for politicians that only work for the rich.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress?

Since Obama has been in office the Christians in America have come out in full force claiming he is not one of them. These same Christians have been equally abusive with their rhetoric against Michelle Obama.

We have heard everything from she is a bad mother to she’s telling them what they can eat. They speak ill of her daily and the hate is sad and disgusting to listen to and watch.

The Republican party and their hateful Christians that make it up, need to ask themselves the question: “Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress”? With Newt Gingrich announcing a possible run for President in 2012, we may have the opportunity to place an adulteress in the White House as our First Lady.

America needs to take pride with whom is elected in office, they represent all of us. The last thing we need is to condone and accept people that lacks morals and ethics in our highest office representing us.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Restribution of Wealth

It has become amusing to watch the large percentage of the middle class, the poor and the elderly in America be so concerned about the rich. We hear daily rhetoric coming from our elected officials with the help of our media stating why should the rich be punished for the wealth they have worked so hard for. The Republicans call it a “redistribution of wealth”. I am not sure what they call the raping of Americans by the rich, but clearly it also is “redistribution of wealth”…..taking from the poor to give to the rich. No Americans I feel begrudges the rich their wealth, but when it is off of the back of the middle class, poor and our elderly then the wording “redistribution of wealth” is the wrong wording, RAPE is a better word.

We are told over and over again that we should thank and give to the rich, they are the ones that give us jobs and provide the lifestyle we live…..really? Me myself, I feel these idiots daily put the cart before the horse, while we all watch and act clueless. If it was not for us, they would have a very hard time existing. They need us to do their chores and work in their businesses. We make them their money that provides their status in our society all while they abuse us. They whine about the wage they have to pay and get enraged when it comes to offering benefits, as their profits soar. They ignore the fact that we are the backbone of who they are. They need us, we are their food. They look to us to carry this country, stating they are taxed to much and need more subsidies and tax breaks in order to operate, while calling themselves capitalists. Looks like it is time for a diet in America.

As Americans we need to seriously take a look from whom this rhetoric is coming. In watching the rhetoric daily coming out of our media from local to CNN, MSNBC and FOX I never see any of them giving a platform to an average American, someone that is from the middle class, from our poor to our elderly on any of their stations, while they have no problem with giving a platform to the politicians, rich pundents, commentators, millionaires and billionaires that seem to think they have the right to tell the middle class, poor and our elderly how they should live and claim they understand how we feel. They do not, nor ever will understand. To continue to allow these people to keep stating they represent us, we all need to be ashamed as Americans.

It seems that in our country we have a big issue, which is that we don’t face reality. We attempt to live and be someone we’re not, which gets us into financial trouble that results in destroying families. We need to take a step back, and implement some discipline and deal with whom we really are in society and accept that we will never be part of the rich that Americans are looking out for. The rich sees to this. So the next time you feel the need as part of the middle class, poor and the elderly to worry about the rich keeping their money, remember off of whose back they got that money.