Monday, October 24, 2011

Insanity or Stupidity?

Americans will shortly go to the voting booth with the intention of voting in the best people to run America. Most will enter the voting booth with the sentiment of “throw those bums out”. Yet, with a very few exceptions the same politicians are voted back into office. Seems Americans are upset at all politicians with the exception of their own. The politicians will capitalize on the stupidity of the common voter, by betting they will have no issue with believing the same old rhetoric and lies. They have mastered the art of both fear and lying. As human beings we have the natural tendency to fear change despite whatever our situations are. This fear is shown thru the voting process, by the same politicians that have clearly shown they cannot do their jobs getting re-elected time and time again.

In order to conquer our fears, we need to face reality. We have become a society that does not have time, is too lazy, or is disinterested in learning about the candidates we support and the issues at hand. We have been conditioned to vote by party and not by class. We have become a nation that votes by emotions based on absolute bullshit, rather than facts. We have allowed ourselves to chose our politicians by 30 second sound bites, and untrue political ads. We are a society where we expect change without having to do anything, instead of taking time to understand the issues. Americans at every election seems to vote for the familiar name on the ballot, while all they really know about that candidate is what their name is and if they are Republican or Democrat.

We ignore the fact that we deserve the dysfunctional and corrupt politicians we have, because we allow ourselves the liberty of not being educated as to whom we are voting for while allowing our political figures to get away with lying about the same issues over and over again. They have long sold their integrity to the highest bidder while ignoring the common man that voted him or her into office. Big money seems to be the core of the problem, along with the obsession of control and power. It is our duty as Americans to focus on not other politicians but those that represent us and to vote out those that abuse their office by political game playing that prevents America from moving forward and making this a better country for all.

Stupid, selfish people elect stupid, selfish leaders. The fact that we continue to vote the same old problems back in office over and over again, says way more about us, then it does about them. As we continue to have brain freeze in the voting booth the same old people that have created the problems we live with today are voted back in office. While they spend endless hours everyday trying to keep their political power and showing their loyalty to greed and control, we Americans are continuing to be pushed inside a hole that we will never emerge from. We are a nation that asks the rich how they feel about the rich paying their fair share of taxes. We ask the rich how the middle class, the poor and the elderly feel, while refusing to give the common man a platform to speak for him or herself. We ask CEO’s if it is okay for them to make 400% more than the worker they pay, while not asking that same worker how he really feels. We have a circus called the media, that helps in keeping bad politicians in office, by quick untrue sound bites, and the greed of money.

It is said that politicians make strange bedfellows, and Washington along with local state politicians has shown us for decades just how they sleep around with special interest groups, wealthy individuals and big business to get the money they need to score in the next election. Politics has become the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each from the other. We have politicians that will lay down your life for his or her political agenda. We have become a
society where we jail petty thieves, and appoint the biggest thieves into office time and time again, while expecting a different result. In order to keep their political power we watch them become indistinguishable from prostitutes. They sell Americans that they are smart enough to understand the game and we are dumb enough not to and time and time again we believe them from fear, by voting them back in office.

We need to not forget that when we enter the voting booth, and are mad at all politicians, that means our own. We don’t have the opportunity to vote out other politicians from other states, but we have the power to control our own. Americans need to grasp on to the fact that knowledge is power. We need to insist that on the ballots the incumbents are highlighted in red, and that there is no longer a box that allows block voting by party. This lazy way of voting continues to help in keeping this country in turmoil. We have allowed our voting process to become as easy as ordering a happy meal thru the drive up window. This is not what the founding fathers intended for this country despite the politicians would disagree. We have entered an age where we need to take the keys away from the politicians that have helped in getting us in this mess, and change the locks to the doors. We do this by our vote in the voting booth, while remembering not to worry about what other politicians from other states have done, but by educating ourselves on who our own politicians are, what they stand for, and what special interest has bought his loyalty. The reality that we continue as Americans to complain about how our lives are, while voting in the same politician with the same views bought by the same money, doesn’t work to change our situation. We’re taught from the time we are small how to blame, and as adults we have not broken this habit. Not only have we not broken this habit, but we have taught it to our kids. The Republicans blame the Democratics, the Democratics blame the Republicans and the Tea Baggers, and the new Tea Bagger movement blames everyone. We feel our politicians need to wake up, when in fact it is the common man that votes that needs to wake up, or we need to continue to be sheep that follow the wolves, while ignoring their agenda is to kill us. Is this a form of insanity or stupidity?