Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Serial Liar

All politicians lie, but Mitt Romney seems to lie so consistently, so audaciously, and with such cheerful readiness that it seems like he is incapable of telling the truth or knowing what it is. The propaganda king of the Republican party Frank Luntz sent out a 17 page memo to congressional Republicans instructing them to quote: “Lie like crazy”. It is a proven fact that once you tell a lie, you have to tell another to defend it, and then another and another. This doesn’t bother the Republican party, Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan because they have lied so much they believe they can lie with impunity. Thru constant repetition of their lies and the help of Fox News and conservative talk radio hate mongers like Russ Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Laura Ingram to spread their message it creates an incentive to tell even bigger lies.

Since the Reagan era the Republicans have become vile and insulting when they speak of anyone other than the 1%. There are lessons to be learned from consistent lying and the methods used to get away with it. One only needs to look to the best propagandist of all time Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels had 3 main ingredients he used in the art of selling a lie. The first he spoke of was that the source of the lie must be from someone or a group viewed as having authority by the targets of the lie, in America that target is the American voter. The second is that the lie has to be big, so outrageous, outlandish and so over the top that your average person feels that because of the authority figure telling the lie, and repeating it over and over they must be right or know something they don’t know or don’t understand. The third ingredient is that the lie must be mass propagated synchronously so the entire target population is blanketed with the lie all at once. They hear it coming at them from every direction including their neighbors, family, friends, co-workers, news outlets as Fox as well as talk radio. Control of the mass media is essential for the lie to work. We see in America that trying to counter their lies with truth doesn’t work. Truth in the Republican party has been replaced with lies so it is to our benefit to concentrate on the techniques they use to change their lies to truth within their constituents knowing. Those constituents of the Republican party you will never be able to convince them a lie is a lie, the lies to them are truth. What we can do is make sure that their lies and techniques are public knowledge, which will make their lies suspect. Republican lies are too numerous and consistent to try to completely document. We could claim Republican lying is a generic trait feeling sorry for them, but their lies have become epidemic, and we see the lack of intelligence fueled by the lack of common sense and denial that it goes way beyond a genetic trait. The people that are the followers of these liars lack the mentality of honesty. We see their lies are so patently ridiculous that these loonies are affecting millions of Americans lives.

So who are these loonies that believe Mitt Romney’s lies are truth, backed by the Republican party? I have personally had to deal with many in my own family. The first loons are my father and his present wife Lyne. Over the weekend, over dinner I learned they are part of the birther movement, claiming Obama is a Muslim. My father has much deeper issues than these 2 reasons to hate Obama and vote Republican. He came from the deep south, from a very prominent family, some slave owners and high ranking military men. At one time he was a Democrat until the 60’s when the civil rights movement granted blacks the right of freedom. My dad I hate to say is a total racist, and as far as his wife goes she seems to be as delusional as my father.  Then, we come to my husband’s family of which are mostly Republicans that have not one ounce of compassion and are both self-absorbed and would die for the almighty dollar. They show classic traits of what the Republican party stands for today. In wishing these people were the only loons in the Republican party, we see America is consumed with them. We live in Utah, where from birth they are indoctrinated into a religion that was founded on lies…Mormonism.

The question has been asked many times why Mitt Romney is so secretive. Ann Romney in her speech stated that Mitt could quote: “Calm the heavens and earth”. Where does this insane mentality come from? It has his roots grounded in Mormonism. Mormonism is very secretive, uses brainwashing techniques and since Mitt Romney is a prophet he is taught that he can quote: “Calm the heavens and earth” and is a “God walking on earth”. The lying we see as Mitt Romney’s truth has it foundation in the Mormon church and is more than dangerous. The majority of Mormons are followers of a lie that they have been convinced is truth. Mormons are notoriously liars and secretive. When the question has been asked if Mitt Romney would run this country or the Mormon religion would, he of course lies stating he will run this country his religion would have nothing to do with it. Mitt Romney lies again and shows his weakness and is no leader but a classic clueless follower. Between the Republican party grooming Mitt and the Mormons working diligently to get him elected in office America has a big problem. Anyone that believes that the Mormon religion is not going to run this country needs to study the religion. Since their pedophile leader Joseph Smith founded the religion, their intent was to overthrow the US Government and make America a one country religion, and that religion of course is Mormonism. This is why they baptize the dead into the Mormon faith, they feel sorry for people that die not converting to the one true religion of Mormonism so they take it upon themselves to bapitize these people into the Mormon faith. Mitt believes that he and his Mormon brothers will be the only ones to enter into one of their 3 heavens with permission from Joseph Smith and not Jesus Christ. Women that will be needed for each of their godly kingdoms will only enter into heaven thru those men. We have heard about Islam that believes they will be given 72 virgins when they go to their heaven, and the Mormons are not far behind them because they believe they will be given a wife for each kingdom, and they will have many, many kingdoms. These women will be made up of other men’s wives here on earth, they are given a secret number to identify who they will belong to without the women knowing who their mates in the afterlife will be or the fact they may not even enter into the kingdom. It is again very secretive. Living in the state of Utah I witness daily the weakness of the people that belong to this religion, and that includes Mitt Romney and his wife Ann. When it comes to Ann Romney she sits women’s rights back 100 years and shows money can never buy class, honesty or intelligence. The only thing she is qualified for is to become part of the “housewives” reality show. She spoke up in stating that Mitt would represent all women and feels they have the right to make their own decisions. Seems Ann didn’t get the memo from her butler, maid or nanny that Mitt doesn’t believe that, and his policies don’t reflect that.

We have seen in the last couple of days the comment Mitt Romney made to his rich croonies that 47% of Americans that support Obama just want a government handout and take no personal responsibility. Most of the people being the elderly, vets and people that make under $20,000 a year. In part this remark goes back to the Mormon church and their beliefs. The church will excommunicate anyone no matter their hardships if they don’t pay a 10% tithing. They claim to the world they care about people their hardships and lives, yet their only concern is money, no caring at all that some of these people don’t have 10% to give. Mitt Romney showed the same traits that the church practices. Mitt Romney is a shining example of the rich out of control. They whine as he does that the rest of America other than the 1% want to take their money from them. They forget that they made their money off of the backs of those they spit on. The way to deal with the wealthy as Mitt Romney and the other donors to the Republican party is to make them poor. They know this and is the reason they work so diligently to make sure no one knows who they are. They feel they and their businesses may be boycotted so they hide like snakes, spit on 99% of Americans as they want us to use their services or buy their products.

The idea that a candidate as Mitt Romney should demonstrate integrity has been lost with the help of the likes of Karl Rove and his soldiers. Mitt Romney expects people to vote for him while he mocks those same voters. He and Ann Romney have shown the American people how much they despise them. They only want the title President and First Lady, not the job.  Abe Lincoln was correct when he said you can fool some of the people all of the time, we see it within the working class, the poor and the elderly that votes with the Republican party that also despises them. It has been said many times that “rich people are different” which is nothing shy of a mouthful.

Mitt Romney is nothing short of a rich ass, educated serial liar who has devoted his life to pillaging other peoples money and lives while hiding his wealth from the tax collector, being obsessed in making sure anyone other than the wealthy as himself are paying their fair share.  He is part of the wealthy that cries the Democratics want to "redistribute their wealth" to those lazy low class Americans.  While doing this the truth totally escapes him that the "restribution of wealth" in America has been coming from the bottom up, of which he seems to have no problem with.   He is a man that has no core values as shown in being a draft dodger while supporting the Vietnam war. Mitt Romney wants to lead America into more wars without even considering the consequences, having no problem sending others children, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters and mothers into battle, making sure his 5 boys will never be those children.

Mitt Romney it will be shown will be nothing short of another nail in the Republican coffin. Abe Lincoln didn’t know it at the time, but the statement he made; “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar” would apply to Mitt Romney in the year 2012.