Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Who Did GOD Give the Power Too?

I just read where Georgia State Representative Republican Bobby Franklin has put forth a bill to hold all women responsible for the termination of a fetus no matter what causes it.
Bill HB1, Women who miscarry would become FELONS if they could not prove there was no human involvement whatsoever in the miscarriage. This would be almost impossible to prove.
He believes civil government should return to its Biblical and Constitutionally defined role.
Last time I checked church and state were not suppose to mix.
So I have to ask a couple of things, one of them being why they think they can take my constitutional rights away as a woman.
And second, I want to know where in the Bible it says, "All of you great Christians place judgement on one another, you are acting as GOD on my behalf!".
Last time I read the Bible he said, "Judge lest you be judged".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The first labor unions gained strength in the 1820’s. The percentage of the American workforce that was unionized peaked in the l950’s, and during the decades leading up to Ronald Reagan’s presidency the number of union members grew, but not as a quickly as the workforce.

With the 1947 Taft-Hartley Act, it reduced the power of unions to support each other when striking. This act made it harder to form new unions and encouraged employees to attack the unions.

In 1981 Reagan fired approximately 12,000 air traffic controllers for striking stating, they were violating a law that did not allow federal workers to strike.  He set the limits for public employee unions and give the green light to businesses that it was okay to play hardball with private sector unions. This same union endorsed Reagan. He made it much harder for workers who wanted to have a union to do so by stacking the labor board with anti-union people. Big profit’s the goal.

As much as the Republicans hate unions, unions are based on the American ideal of democracy. The first thing Communists did when they took over a country was to make all independent unions illegal. As much as the Republican party shows total paranoia when it comes to “Communism”, they are practicing and embracing classic communist ideas and tactics by stopping the rights of the workers.

Republicans complain that workers are combative. They look at the worker as a liability to the system and not an asset. The rich of this country agrees. They hate anything that benefits anyone other than themselves. They hate not only the unions but programs that helps the common person. The rich as well as the Repubs don’t see themselves as part of the “common folk” nor do they want to. They are upset and believe that the liberals of America wants to take all their wealth and give it to the rest of America, you know all those welfare cases, otherwise known in America as the middle class, the poor and the elderly. Those same people that are the backbone of their companies. Any type of labor organization scares the hell out of them and goes against their core beliefs. They have put a lot of work into brainwashing Americans that organizing is bad for their health, their families and their lifestyles. The criticisms and attempts to break the unions by the Republicans have been the same forever, they just keep coloring it differently and their betting that the common person won’t catch on.

Unions are needed. They contribute to the prosperity and strength of our country. They force unfair employers to be fair to their workers. The laws we have today in the work place are due from unionizing. The greed-driven corporate leaders fight to keep wages low while they make massive profits, pay no overtime for overtime work, replace full time workers with part time workers in order to get out of paying benefits and doing all they can in their power to take away any benefits offered to workers. The common person that supports the Republican party like everyone at one time or another, have had situations on the job that a union could help with, but because of their hard lined principals they will not allow themselves the help.

It has been said that due to unions demanding higher salaries and more benefits, the cost of all services and products go up. This is meant to scare the hell out of you and to convince you this is due to unionism. These same capitalist pigs feels the need for greed is top priority. Their union...the Chamber of Commerce. They treat unions as if they are a cancer on society, the same unions that are made up of workers who stand together for the purpose of improving their employment conditions and protecting themselves as well as their co-workers from the abuse and exploitation by these capitalist pigs. Workers of America need to NOT forget that every paid vacation, every overtime dollar, the protection from arbitrary dismissal and any other unfair treatment came about because of unionism. It is a fact that non-union workers are paid lower wages and most have no benefits. Never enough profits. But, BEWARE America….the cure of what these capitalist pigs, with the help of the Republican party is offering, is much worse than the disease.

As we see with the turmoil in Wisconsin, egged on by a Republican Governor, with the backing of capitalist pigs as the Koch brothers, it is claimed that the problem is because of abusive unions.  The way they feel to fix this problem is to break the unions and the worker.  Now why would the Koch brothers and their capitalist pig buddies be so concerned with people organizing and having a voice?

Koch Industries is the largest private controllers of energy in the world. In 2003 an astroturf (definition: one organization or set of individuals pretending to be another group. Phony or synthetic movement.) front group formed an organization called “Americans for Prosperity”, started by David Koch and Richard Fink (a member of the Board of Directors of Koch Industries). Some of their practiced beliefs includes: opposition to smoking bans, clean air laws, the EPA, public education, heathcare reform, workers rights and global warming to name just a few.

The Koch brothers inherited a vast fortune from their father Fred Koch who was an American chemical engineer and entrepreneur, starting his career with the “Texas Company” in Port Arthur, Texas and later became chief engineer with the Medway Oil & Storage Company in England. In 1925 he joined a fellow MIT classmate P.C. Keith at Keith-Winkler Engineering in Wichita, Kansas. When Keith departed in 1925 the firm’s name was changed to Winkler-Koch Engineering Company. In 1927, he developed a more efficient thermal cracking process for turning crude oil into gasoline. Established oil companies claimed Koch had threatened their competitive advantage and Koch and its customers were sued for patent infringement. Although they won all the lawsuits, the litigation put Winkler-Koch out of business in the US for several years. Winkler-Koch then showed up in foreign markets, including the Soviet Union, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. In the early 1930’s Winkler-Koch hosted Soviet technicians for training. During his time in the Soviet Union, Koch came to despise communism. In 1940 Koch joined new partners to create the Wood River Oil & Refining Company which today is known as Koch Industries.

Fred Koch was a founding member of the John Birch Society (JBS). The JBS claims they are anti-totalitarian, anti-socialist and anti-communist and they have classified themselves as a non-profit organization. They advocate the repeal of civil rights, sometimes being called a “White Citizens Society”. JBS felt it was up to them to fight communism using their own techniques. These techniques consisted partially of organizing front groups. The society was named in honor of John Morrison Birch, a fundamentalist Baptist missionary from Georgia who was an intelligence officer in China during WWII. In 1945 he was killed by Chinese communists.

The society saw “collectivism” as the main threat to western civilization. “Collectivism” is a political system based upon government control of all key cultural and economic institutions. Under “collectivism” the well being of the collective, the group, is considered more important than the individual who must sacrifice his self-interest to that of the group. They believe that liberals are secret communist traitors, with the ultimate goal of replacing the nations of western civilization with a one-world socialist government. One of their first priorities was a campaign referred to as the “Get US out of UN”, because they believe the UN’s goal is to build a one-world government.

Another front group is the current Bradley Foundation. In 1903 along with his brother Lynde, Fred Koch co-founded the Allen-Bradley Company, a company that made controllers that regulated the speed of motors. In 1939 there was a bitter strike at his plant, and this would ignite the hatred he had of unions. Along with hating unions, he strongly disliked women and minorities. Women had worked at his plant since 1918, being underpaid, only because they were not men. The women sued in 1966 over not being paid the same wage as the men that was performing the same job. A federal judge ruled in the women’s favor. He died in 1965 still consumed with hate of unions. In 1985 Rockwell International purchased the Allen-Brady Company, which in part funded the Bradley Foundation giving them more funds to push their extreme ideas. One of which was to do away with unions. The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 granted corporations the right to distribute literature to counter labor union organizing, and to reduce the cost of producing & distributing anti-communist propaganda. They did this by turning themselves into a non-profit organization.

The Tea Party movement in America is funded by the Koch brothers. The tea baggers claim their not funded by the Koch brothers a lie they probably do believe. The Koch brothers do NOT want to be directly associated with the tea baggers partly, because of the racist elements of the movement. Wouldn’t want it to affect their business if people found out their part in the racist hate in America. The lifelong astroturf campaign that the Koch brothers has pushed has produced the Tea Party. Movements such as the Tea Party movement as shown thru history are usually not exposed for whom they really are until long after they have done major damage to society.

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin is part of the Tea Party movement, and with the help of big money from the Koch brothers and their front groups they purchased his new job for him. Rupert Murdoch owner of News Corporation, parent company of non other than FOX News, matched David Koch’s donation of $1 Million to the Republican Governor’s Association (RGA) that in turn spent approximately $5 Million to buy Scott Walker the Governor seat in Wisconsin, while proudly describing themselves as “key investors” in getting Walker elected.

Scott Walker threatens he will lay off 6,000 state employees & the removal of more than 200,000 children from the Medicaid program. He also would allow the Department of Health Services the POWER to make any changes to Medicaid it deems necessary, regardless of current laws. He also would allow no-bid contracts, the way Dick Cheney did with Haliburton. He called a special session of the legislature and signed 2 business tax breaks and a conservative health-care policy that lowered overall tax revenues. The new legislation was not offset, and it helped turn a surplus into a deficit. Once again the common person is expected to clean up the mess of the rich, while they claim we need to thank them. Thank you…..The John Birch Society, The Bradley Foundation, and of course the Koch brothers. Democracy in America is wonderful isn’t it?

We have listened to the whining coming from the Republicans and the Tea Party that the Obama administration is destroying America. His intent is a socialist society. The underhanded tactics that have been seen during the unrest in Wisconsin shows nothing less than the disrespect for Americans and their rights. This is nothing short of communistic tactics in taking the power away from the people. Beware of wolves in sheeps clothing...