Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Thirsty Are You?

Today in America we have been introduced to a grassroots movement that calls themselves the “Tea Party”. A movement that because of their outrageous behavior have been treated as if they speak for all of America, when in fact they are only approximately 16% of our population, the same amount that thinks the world is flat.

They are a movement that has the lack of intelligence to understand what they claim to believe in. This is shown as to whom controls the Tea Party movement. They claim to be tired of the system, hate government and the special interests that buy them, yet are run by a fanatical Senator Jim DeMint, a lobbyist Dick Armey and funded by Corporate pigs as the Koch brothers. They believe Fox News is “fair and balanced”. They blindly use words as “socialism” and “communism” without knowing what they mean. They speak of the “Constitution” yet have never took time to read it, and they state what our “founding fathers” wanted knowing nothing about their stances, or who they were.

The majority of the Tea Party movement is nothing short of racists and fascists, who have created hate, violence and havoc to promote their disgusting views. This grassroots movement has been the fuel that the right wing pundits and Republicans have been long looking for. Someone to push their agenda, while not understanding they are slashing their own throats. Someone to push their self-interested radical agendas that will not serve those that serve them. They claim they are nothing short of your “average Joe 6-pack” that is here to take this country back. They care so much about this country they demonize the middle class, the poor and the elderly, while ignoring the fact they are part of these classes. They complain about helping others, they don’t want to pay for the poor. They preach about the government staying out of their lives, yet want the government to step in over abortion and gay rights. They believe in giving the wealthy and business more tax breaks, while not facing the fact the middle class, the poor and the elderly in America will make up what they don’t contribute. They complain about the wages they make, hate unions, and feel the same people that is paying them the wages they are unhappy about, deserve more and more breaks. They speak about the cost of healthcare, yet they want to continue with the “status quo”. They complain the Democrats are attempting to “redistribute the wealth”, while being ignorant that the “distribution of wealth” has been going on for decades, and it has been from the middle class, the poor and the elderly right into the riches bank accounts. They pack an attitude of “us” versus “them”.

The Tea Party movement would not be complete, if they did not claim to love “God”, while hating God’s people. The Teabaggers with the help of the Republican party and the Religious Right prey on the fears of people with appeals they do what they do because “God” wants them to. They feel the hate and violence they spew into society is warranted, and must be done in the name of “God”. One wonders if “God” really approved of torture and un-constitutional wiretapping of innocent Americans. Maybe he also approved of hating the poor and those less fortunate, while standing up for greed, or killing innocent people so a few can become very wealthy. For most of us in America the “God” we worship, feels different than the “God” the Republican party, the Religious Right and the Tea Party movement worships.

Nothing about the Tea Party movement is good for America, or makes any sense. While they rage over Obama’s alleged lies, they totally ignore the Bush administration’s deceptive justification to attack Iraq, and the belief that the deficit didn’t matter. They are ignorant to the fact that both the Great Depression and the current recession occurred under Republican rule. They ignore the fact that 2 times only in history the deficit was a surplus both times under Democratic rule. They are ignorant to the fact that history shows no basis where there has ever been a “fiscally responsible conversative".  They claim they are the "True Americans", while everyone who disagrees with them are not.  In 2012 all Americans, need to ask themselves, "How Thristy Am I"?