Friday, February 25, 2011

Just Who Did GOD Give the Power Too?

I just read where Georgia State Representative Republican Bobby Franklin has put forth a bill to hold all women responsible for the termination of a fetus no matter what causes it.
Bill HB1, Women who miscarry would become FELONS if they could not prove there was no human involvement whatsoever in the miscarriage. This would be almost impossible to prove.
He believes civil government should return to its Biblical and Constitutionally defined role.
Last time I checked church and state were not suppose to mix.
So I have to ask a couple of things, one of them being why they think they can take my constitutional rights away as a woman.
And second, I want to know where in the Bible it says, "All of you great Christians place judgement on one another, you are acting as GOD on my behalf!".
Last time I read the Bible he said, "Judge lest you be judged".

1 comment:

  1. This is totally pathetic, where does this guy get off thinking he can rule what we women can and can’t do without bodies. So said women gets pregnant by Mister Joe Blow down the street because he raped her and she cannot get an abortion because another Joe Blow got a bill passed that outlaws abortions and the women is not into kids so the child grows up neglected and abused and turns out to be a psychotic looser all because of all the Joe Blows who think they can rule women and dictate what we can and can’t do.
