Friday, March 4, 2011

Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress?

Since Obama has been in office the Christians in America have come out in full force claiming he is not one of them. These same Christians have been equally abusive with their rhetoric against Michelle Obama.

We have heard everything from she is a bad mother to she’s telling them what they can eat. They speak ill of her daily and the hate is sad and disgusting to listen to and watch.

The Republican party and their hateful Christians that make it up, need to ask themselves the question: “Is it okay for our First Lady to be an Adulteress”? With Newt Gingrich announcing a possible run for President in 2012, we may have the opportunity to place an adulteress in the White House as our First Lady.

America needs to take pride with whom is elected in office, they represent all of us. The last thing we need is to condone and accept people that lacks morals and ethics in our highest office representing us.

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