Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Where are the jobs? The jobs that were to be created by the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the rich, less regulations and the attempt to take all workers rights away. The love of greed has taken the jobs overseas and increased the profits of these greedy capitalist pigs with a lust never seen in American history, with the worst yet to come. The smell of money laced in inexpensive labor is so strong it smells like honey to them, while to the U.S. worker the smell is like a dead body rotting. The American worker has been rotting since the 70’s when their wages became stagnate only going up SIX CENTS an hour in the last 38 years. To add more injury to the insult the politicians we have elected in office have helped these companies by continuing their subsidizes and tax breaks while they outsource American jobs in order to make obscene profits by cheap labor. The fact that the only way outsourcing jobs can by successful is if those same jobs are replaced with better jobs have been conveniently ignored. The astounding amount of money poured into politicians re-elections to see outsourcing the way they do, should be disturbing to Americans. Their disregard for the American economy and the American worker will keep driving up unemployment rates with no end in sight.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has helped in the destruction of the American economy by encouraging businesses to outsource jobs, and not hire in the U.S. If they can get Obama out of the White House, then they can get the rest of what their agenda is pushed thru without creating any jobs or jobs only paying low wages with no benefits. We need not to forget how Republicans feel about unemployment benefits, as they are helping to keep the jobs out of the U.S. They have a history of voting against any laws that give a fair chance to the worker. They hate Unions, benefits for the worker and feel the minimum wage is to high of a burden on their greedy corporate friends. When the statement is made that Americans on unemployment are lazy and won’t work, it should show us, how out of touch these politicians are with the common man. History has shown that when Democrats have been in power the wealthy become crazy. They are fearful of their wealth being taken away, they cry redistribution of wealth. As they are in their self-induced fog redistribution of wealth is indeed happening, but not how they claim. We have seen in the last 40 years a redistribution of wealth like never seen before. The rich taking from the poor. They hate the poor, they claim we are the problem with America, we deserve nothing, and they are owed everything. The rich that claim they are “Christian” has forgotten that Jesus loved the poor.

The obscene profits have become even more profitable over the years as a result of an American law that allows these capitalist pigs to “defer” the payment of taxes on money made outside of the U.S. The agreement made with the help of our purchased scummy politicians allows these capitalist pigs to be taxed at a rate of 5% (not 35%) when they bring their money into the U.S., and has allowed these corporations to “shelter” their money in overseas accounts, at the expense of every American. In the U.S. we hear all the time how great “capitalism” is, even though if you rationally look at the picture, you will see that the reason we are where we are today is because of this same “capitalism” attitude. As long as any corporations are getting tax breaks and subsidizes from the American taxpayer, then they are not “capitalist”. They are no better than the welfare Americans the Republicans scream about, that need to pay their own bills, and be responsible for their own actions. This should apply also to corporate America. They need to be forced to live by what “capitalism” really means. NO HANDOUTS of any kind, sink or swim.

Americans being held hostage by these corporate pigs while they cry poverty need to be taught that the cart does not go before horse. They all have either a product or service they offer, and those that wish to take American jobs overseas need to sell their products or services to the people that are benefiting from the loss of American jobs, because the American Worker’s store has closed. We also need to stop purchasing foreign goods as much as we can. It is becoming more obvious that most all of our elected officials are not interested in helping the common man, they are in it for self political gain bought thru legal bribery so it is time for the common man, to look out for himself and make their point directly to these capitalist pigs. The Republicans use the wording “self-regulate” when it comes to corporations. Americans need to “self-regulate” themselves and boycotting is a wonderful tool for the common man to use in controlling the abuse of capitalist pigs and their political friends. The fact is that “capitalism” really doesn’t exist in America, but “corporate welfare” does.

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