Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why is the mentally ill running our government, and who is helping them get away with it?

In January when Gabby Giffords was shot in Tucson, the conversation turned to the mentally ill of America. Americans were confronted once again about the issue of who in America is mentally ill, and how do we tell.

While America was attempting to determine who is considered mentally ill in our society, we needed to look no further than the politicians in both Washington and within the State governments. We needed to look no further than the wealthy in America, that controls the minds of these politicians, thru their greed and love of money and power. And, we needed to look no further than the bought off clueless media.

Americans have adapted to the daily lies from both the Democrats and the Republicans while totally ignoring the true facts, and as a reward for their lies and underhanded antics they are re-elected back in office. Americans vote by believing all politicians are no good, with the exception of their own. This is a fact that no one can deny and the number of years the majority of politicians have served in office proves this point. The Constitution has been thrown at us more in the last 2 years than ever in history. Michelle Bachman has stated how concerned she is on who in America is a “true American”, maybe she should take a poll, and see how many Americans can tell you what the “Constitution” says, or who the founding fathers were and what they stood for. The majority of Americans have no idea what the Constitution says, who the founding fathers were much less what they stood for. But, I am sure they would still consider themselves “true Americans”. On the downside of this, it allows Americans to pretend they know what the Constitution says by believing what these politicians tell them it says. The founding fathers that the Tea Party uses like a weapon, never intended for a political office to be a lifelong career or religion to have a part in politics. They were aware how bad this would be for our country. The Tea Party claims they are the new party ready to take America back, yet they seem to be more confused than anyone.

Politicians, the wealthy, and the media have long sold their souls to the devil, for the reward of money and power. In order for them to accomplish this, they had to put out the wolves disguised as lambs. These wolves have been able to convince the common man to give up the little they have for the good of the wealthy. They have convinced us that they know best how we should think, act and live our lives. They have bet among themselves that most of America is so un-knowledgable and clueless about what they are speaking of….the deficit, the debt ceiling, defense spending and healthcare to name a few, that they have the upper hand. If that is true, than that leaves the rest of America with the losing hand.

Americans feel that politicians cannot be trusted, yet we continue to elect these same people in office, because we are told they will look out for our best interest, fully knowing this is a lie. We have been brainwashed and have slowly adapted ourselves to believing a certain party stands for a certain thing, and the other does not. We have become the country of “hate”, while claiming we are “Christian”. The wealthy, the polticians and the media have been hard at work in convincing us to embrace a non-tolerant attitude toward others, to hate those that won’t believe as you do, and to put enough fear in our souls that we will allow the wealthy to destroy all of us. We ignore the hypocrisy that is so blatant. Governor Christie of New Jersey made the statement to a voter, that it was none of her business why he sends his kids to a private school. He stated that it was a family personal decision, that was none of her business. So why would Governor Christy feel it is okay to tell a women if she has the right to have an abortion of not? Is this not a much harder PERSONAL decision for a woman and her family to make than where you send your kids to school? The amount of hypocrisy daily coming out of our government officials, ourselves, our friends, family and neighbors have become an epidemic in America.  We complain about the low wages we are paid, yet support a party that feels the minimum wage is too high, and hates Unions that keep the wages up. We complain about healthcare costs, yet vote against healthcare reform. We complain about big government and social programs, yet the majority of Americans use the programs and like them. We show hate toward workers that are unionized, jealous of the wages and benefits they have, when the fact is we should ask the question why am I not getting paid those wages and benefits, and help form unions that gives the workers a fair chance against greedy employers. We complain about taxes, yet vote with a party that ONLY wants to give tax breaks to the wealthy. Americans need to help themselves, learn who the party is you support and what they stand for. Be honest and acknowledge who you are in society and quit voting believing the lie you too one day will be part of the wealthy. Won’t happen, never will. The rich has long fixed it so a very few can belong to their club, and that is not you. We the people of America have condoned, allowed and continue to help in allowing the mentally ill to run our country by continuing to vote them back in office over and over again. Who in America is more mentally ill?  The politicians that screw you and continue to get your vote; The media that spews 24/7 lies and you believe them; The corporate pigs that have convinced our justice system to treat them as a person so they can screw Americans a little harder; or…yourselves that continue to vote the same old politicians back in office, believe the same old distorted facts from the media and stand up for the wealthy that spits on the middle class, the poor and the elderly, believing this time will be different?

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