Friday, April 15, 2011

Fiscal Fiasco

The wording “fiscally responsible” gets thrown around by the Republican party more than the word “abortion”. The Republicans have never been “fiscally responsible” anymore than the only Christians in America belong to their party. The common man voting with the Republican party needs to stop listening to the untrue message they are selling, while wrapping themselves in the “American flag” and using the word “God”.

In the last 60 years every Republican administration upon leaving office has left Americans with a greater deficit than was handed to them by any outgoing Democratic administrations. At no time since 1945 when Republicans have been in total control of Congress have they ever reduced spending. In 1981 when the Republicans idol Saint Reagan was elected in office, he repeatedly called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, while never submitting a balanced budget himself. His first 6 years both the house and the senate were controlled by the Republicans, and it was not until his last 2 years when the Democrats controlled both the house and senate that the growth of the debt slowed.

The Republican party has a history of driving up the deficit by cutting taxes for the wealthy, increasing military spending, and doing everything within their power to eliminate social programs. They claim that Saint Reagan proved tax cuts lead to higher government revenue, when the outcome of this belief showed that not to be true. They continue today to feel that if you give tax cuts to the rich you will be able to balance the budget, create jobs and bring growth to America. Whatever they're smoking I am amazed that they haven't legalized it, taxed the common person for using it, and give the rich a tax break for getting “God” to allow us to use it.

Then the icing fell off of the cake, during the Bush administration and those Americans that were paying close attention learned the hard lesson in using the wording “fiscally responsible” and “Republican” together.

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