Wednesday, April 20, 2011

NO Freedom of Speech in Utah

Freedom of Speech is the freedom to speak freely without censorship and is recognized as a human right. Everyone in America has the right to freedom of opinion and expression and our Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment to our Constitution.

This week, after submitting an comment letter to City Weekly, I learned what “Freedom of Speech” really means, as well as censorship. Shortly after submitting my comment about our new state gun, I received an email and phone call stating they wanted to include my comment in their letter section. They took all my information, it was short and sweet, and I looked forward to voicing my opinion. The conversation of censoring and editing my comment was never discussed.

Censorship is the act of changing a message, including the act of deletion, between the sender and the receiver, without the sender’s and receiver’s consent and knowledge. When my comment was posted on their website, as well as in their paper itself, I was shocked and dismayed to see they had taken my letter and censored it. The letter posted and printed was not the letter I submitted, just a very watered down version, that had been tailored and altered. They had used the parts they wanted and left the rest out. When the comment letter was submitted, the correct thing was to state they were unable to print it as submitted, not take it upon themselves to censor it, without my knowledge. Their slogan is “If we won’t print it, who will”. In choosing to censor my letter, this obviously did not apply to me.

Democracy, with its limitations requires freedom of speech. Every totalitarian government begins by controlling the voices of those that speak out. Censorship always has a way of defeating it’s own purpose, for in the end it reflects society’s lack of confidence in itself.

John F Kennedy stated, “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let it's people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of it’s own people.

Censorship is a threat to our way of life as Americans and with the help of the media, along with the influence of our elected officials and church leaders our voices are becoming silent. The only valid censorship of opinions and expressions is the right of people not to listen.


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