Wednesday, March 9, 2011

DOES The GOVERNMENT Work For The People, Or DOES The People WORK For The Government?

This is a questions that I think all Americans need to stop and think about. With the country all ready bankrupt you have to stop and question what our elected officials are thinking.

I find it interesting that when it comes time to balance any budget, the only area that is targeted is the middle class , poor and the elderly. Why is it that our officials do not start with themselves and all the waste they promote. Do you not find it interesting that not one of them ever considers in taking a pay cut, benefit cuts or any other cuts. They seem to feel they are entitled to this because they are working for the good of the people. What People, themselves? When was the last time you voted yourself in a pay raise?? You got paid a full weeks work and only worked part of the time?? You got a set cost of living raise? My answer would be NEVER.

I think it is time for all Government officials, that works for us the taxpayers to have to work like the rest of us.

It is time for the President on Down to take a pay cut (not just freeze there wages). They need to work for minimum wage until this country gets back on its feet. No early retirement, no top of the line medical care. They get what we get, since we foot the bill. And absolutely no raises from this day forward, no extra benefits, no laws that only benefit them, with out we the taxpayers approving it.

Its time for American to take back our country and stop being held hostage by our own government. For without us the Middle Class, poor and the elderly there would be no government.

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