Thursday, March 10, 2011

Americans for Prosperity

Americans for Prosperity (AFP)? Who are those Americans they are speaking of? It clearly is not the middle class, poor or even the elderly in America. The only Americans obtaining any prosperity in America are people like the Koch brothers, that continue off of the back of common people to become richer and richer, while claiming they need tax-exempt status, more tax breaks, no regulations and subsidies from the government. The same abused rich that whine about Obama and his attempt to redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor. They however have no problem with the redistribution of wealth from the poor to themselves. They continue to use the philosophy of Reagan known as “trickle down economics”. Give to the rich and the wealth will trickle down to the pheasants. We now know that this philosophy did not work and never will work. Greed is their #1 driving tool, and they will not stop until there are two classes in America, as Reagan attempted…..the rich and the poor. Americans need to face reality that they are part of the poor class, and stop voting in support of the rich.

The inherited wealth of the Koch Brothers is being used to make sure the common people in America does not become prosperous and are recruiting our elected officials to make sure that happens. AFP funded and founded by none other than the Koch brothers, circulated a pledge to our government officials that stated, they were required to oppose any climate change legislation that would result in a net increase in government revenue. As of August 2010 more than 600 lawmakers & candidates, primarily Republicans all signed the AFP’s pledge. It should be very, very disturbing for anyone in America to know that the legal bribery as well as the bullying of our officials to do the bidding of corporate pigs as the Koch brothers exist while using tax exempt status to do so. There is something unnerving and sad that Americans sit by and allow this type of abuse. Abuse that affects them and their families. These same families that the Republican party claim the Democrats are destroying and they are looking out for. The same ones that are whining about how their kids and grandkids will live in the future. Is anyone that is part of the middle class, the poor or the elderly that votes with the Republican party awake in America?

A proven fact is that the Republican party could care less about the middle class, the poor or the elderly in this country. They have stated and history has shown thru their actions that the last people they care about is the common man. They need the common people, because if it was not for them, they would not exist. If the only people supporting the Republican party were the ones they look out for and are loyal to they would have no more than 5% of American support.

As the whining continues that Obama is creating a socialist country, fascism is silently taking over. People should be frightened. Frightened of a party with the sole intent of destroying the common people of America on behalf of capitalist greedy pigs.



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