Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Starving CEO's of the Oil Industry

Last week we saw the sorrow and upset in the eyes of the CEO’s of the 5 largest oil companies at the thought they may not retain their taxpayer subsidies or tax breaks.  We heard excuse after excuse and threat after threat if they did not get their corporate welfare as usual there would be consequences to be paid, while the Republicans repeat over and over again, that the social programs in America are welfare programs, and need to be done away with. The anxiety and upset they were feeling, are the same feelings Americans live in everyday while wondering why at the expense of their families they are forced to make sure these CEO’s are provided a lavish standard of living, while crying poverty. The upset shown by these CEO’s were fake, while they hid their smiles knowing their corporate welfare program would continue as usual. This was a guarantee that was purchased and paid in full by contributions to our elected officials and sadly most likely with taxpayer money. Americans should ask themselves how it feels to pay themselves to slash their own throats?

How can these CEO’s look their kids in the face, and have to tell them they can’t buy them homes, cars, the best education and lifestyle taxpayer money can buy. That they can’t have a maid to do everything from feeding them to dressing them. That their wives and kids may have to drive a vehicle themselves, and how upsetting it must be to ask their families to scrape by on their compensation package (not wages) of millions and millions of dollars a year. They say this doesn’t have to be this way for them. It is unfair and anti-American to feel they don’t need and deserve taxpayer money to help in giving them the best life American taxpayers can pay for. They don’t understand what is wrong with Americans that they have a problem with this concept?

What is wrong with Americans? The Americans that continue to vote with a party that drains the blood from them and their families, who cares more about those that pay for their loyalty than those that vote to put them in office their suppose to represent. We live in a fearful paranoid society, that has been created by the lies of the rich, with help from religious leaders, our elected officials and the media. A society where we are held hostage by people that want to control everything including our bodies, minds and thoughts.  How would the rich of America handle being part of the poor, where their wages have been stagnant for years and years, never getting ahead, and always having to look their kids and family in the face and ask them to ration food, ignore their health issues, and live paycheck to paycheck if their lucky. Yes, for the majority of lucky Americans we get to help in keeping these rich asses and their families in fantastic lifestyles, unlike the majority of Americans. For the $2 Billion we give them each year they state we are rewarded by the cost of fuel being low, and are convinced that all of this wealth made for them by us will trickle down to us in jobs and economic growth. One only needs to take the time to study history to see this is a total proven lie. The oil companies claim this cost is a bargain for taxpayers, and even with these subsidies they still have a hard time making a profit and running their companies. Lies are accepted in America easily, but facts takes time and effort that most Americans don’t feel is necessary or needed. It is easier to listen to others opinions and adopt them as their own. Getting rid of these subsidies will never happen, we need only to look no further than whom we vote for, and keep in office. Most Americans vote with a political party no matter what they stand for, or the history of whom they are. They vote for whom they do because of religion and family history. This has to stop. We need to start thinking on our own, and not allow ourselves to be persuaded by lies from our elected officials, so-called religious leaders along with the media that sold their souls long ago to the devil while claiming their immoral antics and tactics are done in the name of “God”, therefore making it okay. Is this the same “God” that gave us a brain that is being used as tool by the devil, while claiming he is a Christian?

As we now know the Republican party along with 3 Democrats have once again slashed Americans throats, while putting a golden ring around these oil companies necks. These fearful CEO’s have to fear no longer, once again money has spoken at the expense of 99% of America. When will Americans stop this insanity, and pull that golden ring so damn tight they choke?


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