Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What is Fascism, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism?

The more I have gotten involved in our government system and the things they are trying to do, I found myself with questions on just what Fascism, Communism, Socialism and Capitalism meant.

The more I researched on the internet to answer these questions the more I came to realize that there is a base on which each of these types of governments run.

Fascism-- A government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, demanding strict attention to rules and procedures, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship.
Founded by Mussolini in 1919.

Communism-- This is very complicated to explain. There are many definitions and some of the definitions sound nearly opposite of other definitions. I will try to explain this. Karl Marx, a German philosopher, in the early 1800’s explained his idea of communism. He felt like it was unfair form some people to be rich and for others to be poor. He felt the only way to change this was to get rid of private ownership of property. His theory was everyone owned everything together.

What we see today as Communism is a distinct socio-political philosophy that is willing to use violent means to attain a classless society. A society where people have no rights, and everything is dictated by the government. This is anything from where you live, what you eat, even what type of religion you will believe in. You own nothing. People are very poor under communistic rule. When this happens you are Screwed.

Socialism--A government in which the people collectively own and democratically operate the industries and social services through an economic democracy. This would replace the political government run by politicians with an industrial government run by workers and their elected representatives. A system not for profit for the few, but for the good of all.

Socialism means economic democracy, which we do not have today. We have political democracy, which means the owners of the companies has all the power, they are like mini dictators.

Capitalism-- A economic system of privately controlled business solely for the purpose of profit. They exist to make money. Under Capitalism the workers receive only a small percent of the wealth that they produce, while the capitalist owners get rich off the back of the workers. What society does this sound like? HMM, maybe this is what we in America call Democracy.

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