Monday, November 7, 2011

The Flat Tax...Good for who?

We need to remember the old saying, if it sounds too good to be true, than it must be. This includes what is about to be sold to Americans known as the “flat tax”. In 2012 the Republican/Tea Bagger party will begin a major campaign to distract Americans from the real issues happening in America, by making the issue of the “flat tax” a priority. The Republicans for decades have used the issue of national security against the Democratic party, but in 2012 things will be different, which leaves them with the dilemma of needing an issue that they feel taps into the fear, stupidity, anger and anxiety of Americans. Their bet is that the “flat tax” fight will distract Americans from the real issues like unemployment, cost of health care, stagnant wages, wars and the destruction of social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The selling of the “flat tax” to Americans should not be hard for the Republican/Tea Bagger party to pull off. We will see the work of both men and women that have long ago sold their souls to the devil, in the name of greed and power that will succeed with a long used message of give to the wealthy, if it were not for them, we would not live the way we do. If they like the way 99% of Americans live, then they should have no problem with being one of them, but there is a problem, they are convinced they are above how 99% of Americans live. These politicians are your politician, the one that election after election you keeping voting back in office. What the Republican/Tea Bagger party calls a “flat tax” is actually the equivalent of winning the lottery for the wealthy, and getting run over by a car for the rest of America.

One distinct difference in the political parties is the Republican/Tea Bagger party knows how to stay on message, while the Democratic party gets confused easily which creates a party that is always questioning their actions. The Republican/Tea Bagger party believes that if you repeat something over and over again, they will believe. This is the same mentality we witnessed under Hitler in Nazi Germany and will witness thru out the 2012 campaign. Propaganda is powerful, and no one uses it better than the Republican/Tea Bagger party, as they distract the stupid by claiming the Democratic party is reigning in “Socialism”, a word that they don’t even understand the meaning of. They will continue to convince Americans that you can’t punish the rich by raising their taxes, the job creators that look at their employees as liabilities and not assets. All people are created equal we’re told as the society we live in shows us that all dollars are not created equal. The working poor in America now works solely for survival. The wages they make barely covers survival items as food, shelter and clothing, with nothing left to pay for healthcare costs or a long deserved vacation with their families, every dollar being critical for their survival. The so-called job creators that the Republican/Tea Bagger party feel loyal to, treat the worker as if the job they were given is an act of charity while paying the worker the wages of charity. We see an increase in social unrest in America, while the wealthy with the help of elected officials convince Americans they are out of line, and have no good reason to be discontent. This deepening discontent is spreading fast and wide and the wealthy can’t outrun or hide to escape reality. In 2012 we will see how many politicians will be allowed to escape reality by being re-elected back into office.

The “flat tax” will seem the simple answer to many Americans, while knowing nothing about it. They will make their decision from untrue sound bites and debates because it eliminates the need to know all the facts that will allow a sound decision to be made. This attitude comes from Americans that are upset at the broken system, while ignoring the fact they are part of the problem by not taking time to educate themselves about the facts of what it would mean for America to become a “flat tax” nation. There is no denying that the “flat tax” serves as a tax break for the wealthy shifting the burden to the middle-class, the poor and the elderly. The “flat tax” lowers the rate for higher income earners and widens the base to include more lower income earners. The “flat tax” is nothing more than a repeat of a trick Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s tried, by claiming to cut taxes, when in fact he actually redistributed them to bear more heavily on “income” than on “wealth”, which created the “idle rich” that was rewarded for sitting on their asses, and claiming their wealth as everything other than “income”, while the working class was punished for their hard work.

As Americans our decisions affect so many people, especially our families, we need to not act after the fact, and learn the hard way that the lies we are being told over and over again about a “flat tax“ is truly a lie that will once again benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else. We need to remember that the rich will NEVER understand the plight of the middle-class or the poor nor do they care to. America seems to confuse the rich with being smart, when in fact money does not buy intelligence and one needs to look no further than the way the rich are hanging their own asses in our society. The “idle rich” aren’t smart enough to see that their lifeline to their way of life is about to catch up with them, and even their bought off political friends won’t be able to help. The reality that Americans are educating themselves and are in increasing numbers rejecting the lies that has been sold and perfected for decades as the truth, are being seen in the light God intended, instead of the darkness the devil prefers. In 2012 we as Americans need to stop the insanity of the “idle rich” and remind them that one way we will do that is not allowing the “flat tax”.

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