Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Guns, Sex, Drugs and Utah

Finally a gun Utah can call their own. The lst state to name an official state gun. The Browning Model M1911 automatic pistol will be placed along with the honey bee and the cutthroat trout as part of our state symbols. Because of the fact that John M. Browning who founded the company, that makes the M1911 was born in Ogden, Utah our elected officials felt that this so-called honor was well deserved. That sentiment being different depending on your views on guns. While Utah beams on this accomplishment like the light that shown down on their leader Joseph Smith the abundance of hypocrisy reins strong within the church that controls this state.

Naming a state gun is no better of an image for Utah and nothing to be proud of anymore than the fact we are the #1 online porn capital of the US and as the general population goes, we consume more porn than anyone. While the majority of the population in Utah claim they live by old-fashioned values, and are all about family & marriage, those same hyprocrites are using their time for family and church to consume more porn than any other state.  Maybe it was the Osmonds gone wild videos that sent them over the edge.

To add to our fantastic image, the residents of Utah have a severe drug problem. Utah is the antidepressant capital of the US. We also are #1 in having the largest population of children under the age of 18.…1/3 of our population and we rate high in excessive obesity.

If what we are taught in life, that we have to take the good with the bad, then we need to add a few more state symbols along with the new state gun. When we become #1 in anything we need to acknowledge it. I vote we need a state magazine to represent our contribution to the porn industry . . . maybe Hustler. I vote we need a state drug and since antidepressants are our drug of choice. . . maybe Prozac. I vote we need to acknowledge our accomplishment in having more kids under the age of 18 than any other state . . . maybe the Condom, and we need a state food . . . maybe the Hot Dog and don’t forget dessert . . . maybe Jello. But, the #1 state symbol we need is a sheep in wolves clothing that represents the #1 capital of hyprocrites.

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