Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Serial Liar

All politicians lie, but Mitt Romney seems to lie so consistently, so audaciously, and with such cheerful readiness that it seems like he is incapable of telling the truth or knowing what it is. The propaganda king of the Republican party Frank Luntz sent out a 17 page memo to congressional Republicans instructing them to quote: “Lie like crazy”. It is a proven fact that once you tell a lie, you have to tell another to defend it, and then another and another. This doesn’t bother the Republican party, Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan because they have lied so much they believe they can lie with impunity. Thru constant repetition of their lies and the help of Fox News and conservative talk radio hate mongers like Russ Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Laura Ingram to spread their message it creates an incentive to tell even bigger lies.

Since the Reagan era the Republicans have become vile and insulting when they speak of anyone other than the 1%. There are lessons to be learned from consistent lying and the methods used to get away with it. One only needs to look to the best propagandist of all time Joseph Goebbels. Goebbels had 3 main ingredients he used in the art of selling a lie. The first he spoke of was that the source of the lie must be from someone or a group viewed as having authority by the targets of the lie, in America that target is the American voter. The second is that the lie has to be big, so outrageous, outlandish and so over the top that your average person feels that because of the authority figure telling the lie, and repeating it over and over they must be right or know something they don’t know or don’t understand. The third ingredient is that the lie must be mass propagated synchronously so the entire target population is blanketed with the lie all at once. They hear it coming at them from every direction including their neighbors, family, friends, co-workers, news outlets as Fox as well as talk radio. Control of the mass media is essential for the lie to work. We see in America that trying to counter their lies with truth doesn’t work. Truth in the Republican party has been replaced with lies so it is to our benefit to concentrate on the techniques they use to change their lies to truth within their constituents knowing. Those constituents of the Republican party you will never be able to convince them a lie is a lie, the lies to them are truth. What we can do is make sure that their lies and techniques are public knowledge, which will make their lies suspect. Republican lies are too numerous and consistent to try to completely document. We could claim Republican lying is a generic trait feeling sorry for them, but their lies have become epidemic, and we see the lack of intelligence fueled by the lack of common sense and denial that it goes way beyond a genetic trait. The people that are the followers of these liars lack the mentality of honesty. We see their lies are so patently ridiculous that these loonies are affecting millions of Americans lives.

So who are these loonies that believe Mitt Romney’s lies are truth, backed by the Republican party? I have personally had to deal with many in my own family. The first loons are my father and his present wife Lyne. Over the weekend, over dinner I learned they are part of the birther movement, claiming Obama is a Muslim. My father has much deeper issues than these 2 reasons to hate Obama and vote Republican. He came from the deep south, from a very prominent family, some slave owners and high ranking military men. At one time he was a Democrat until the 60’s when the civil rights movement granted blacks the right of freedom. My dad I hate to say is a total racist, and as far as his wife goes she seems to be as delusional as my father.  Then, we come to my husband’s family of which are mostly Republicans that have not one ounce of compassion and are both self-absorbed and would die for the almighty dollar. They show classic traits of what the Republican party stands for today. In wishing these people were the only loons in the Republican party, we see America is consumed with them. We live in Utah, where from birth they are indoctrinated into a religion that was founded on lies…Mormonism.

The question has been asked many times why Mitt Romney is so secretive. Ann Romney in her speech stated that Mitt could quote: “Calm the heavens and earth”. Where does this insane mentality come from? It has his roots grounded in Mormonism. Mormonism is very secretive, uses brainwashing techniques and since Mitt Romney is a prophet he is taught that he can quote: “Calm the heavens and earth” and is a “God walking on earth”. The lying we see as Mitt Romney’s truth has it foundation in the Mormon church and is more than dangerous. The majority of Mormons are followers of a lie that they have been convinced is truth. Mormons are notoriously liars and secretive. When the question has been asked if Mitt Romney would run this country or the Mormon religion would, he of course lies stating he will run this country his religion would have nothing to do with it. Mitt Romney lies again and shows his weakness and is no leader but a classic clueless follower. Between the Republican party grooming Mitt and the Mormons working diligently to get him elected in office America has a big problem. Anyone that believes that the Mormon religion is not going to run this country needs to study the religion. Since their pedophile leader Joseph Smith founded the religion, their intent was to overthrow the US Government and make America a one country religion, and that religion of course is Mormonism. This is why they baptize the dead into the Mormon faith, they feel sorry for people that die not converting to the one true religion of Mormonism so they take it upon themselves to bapitize these people into the Mormon faith. Mitt believes that he and his Mormon brothers will be the only ones to enter into one of their 3 heavens with permission from Joseph Smith and not Jesus Christ. Women that will be needed for each of their godly kingdoms will only enter into heaven thru those men. We have heard about Islam that believes they will be given 72 virgins when they go to their heaven, and the Mormons are not far behind them because they believe they will be given a wife for each kingdom, and they will have many, many kingdoms. These women will be made up of other men’s wives here on earth, they are given a secret number to identify who they will belong to without the women knowing who their mates in the afterlife will be or the fact they may not even enter into the kingdom. It is again very secretive. Living in the state of Utah I witness daily the weakness of the people that belong to this religion, and that includes Mitt Romney and his wife Ann. When it comes to Ann Romney she sits women’s rights back 100 years and shows money can never buy class, honesty or intelligence. The only thing she is qualified for is to become part of the “housewives” reality show. She spoke up in stating that Mitt would represent all women and feels they have the right to make their own decisions. Seems Ann didn’t get the memo from her butler, maid or nanny that Mitt doesn’t believe that, and his policies don’t reflect that.

We have seen in the last couple of days the comment Mitt Romney made to his rich croonies that 47% of Americans that support Obama just want a government handout and take no personal responsibility. Most of the people being the elderly, vets and people that make under $20,000 a year. In part this remark goes back to the Mormon church and their beliefs. The church will excommunicate anyone no matter their hardships if they don’t pay a 10% tithing. They claim to the world they care about people their hardships and lives, yet their only concern is money, no caring at all that some of these people don’t have 10% to give. Mitt Romney showed the same traits that the church practices. Mitt Romney is a shining example of the rich out of control. They whine as he does that the rest of America other than the 1% want to take their money from them. They forget that they made their money off of the backs of those they spit on. The way to deal with the wealthy as Mitt Romney and the other donors to the Republican party is to make them poor. They know this and is the reason they work so diligently to make sure no one knows who they are. They feel they and their businesses may be boycotted so they hide like snakes, spit on 99% of Americans as they want us to use their services or buy their products.

The idea that a candidate as Mitt Romney should demonstrate integrity has been lost with the help of the likes of Karl Rove and his soldiers. Mitt Romney expects people to vote for him while he mocks those same voters. He and Ann Romney have shown the American people how much they despise them. They only want the title President and First Lady, not the job.  Abe Lincoln was correct when he said you can fool some of the people all of the time, we see it within the working class, the poor and the elderly that votes with the Republican party that also despises them. It has been said many times that “rich people are different” which is nothing shy of a mouthful.

Mitt Romney is nothing short of a rich ass, educated serial liar who has devoted his life to pillaging other peoples money and lives while hiding his wealth from the tax collector, being obsessed in making sure anyone other than the wealthy as himself are paying their fair share.  He is part of the wealthy that cries the Democratics want to "redistribute their wealth" to those lazy low class Americans.  While doing this the truth totally escapes him that the "restribution of wealth" in America has been coming from the bottom up, of which he seems to have no problem with.   He is a man that has no core values as shown in being a draft dodger while supporting the Vietnam war. Mitt Romney wants to lead America into more wars without even considering the consequences, having no problem sending others children, fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters and mothers into battle, making sure his 5 boys will never be those children.

Mitt Romney it will be shown will be nothing short of another nail in the Republican coffin. Abe Lincoln didn’t know it at the time, but the statement he made; “No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar” would apply to Mitt Romney in the year 2012.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Climbing The Mountain

It’s been said that, “Women are like an apple, lovely without and rotten within”. The identity of women has been pondered from classical Greece until today. Men have described women as a necessary evil, a natural temptation, an inescapable punishment, an evil nature, a domestic danger and a beautiful evil. Women have been characterized as being a gift for men, empty vessels used for reproduction and the bearers of all evil. From Eve to Pandora these characterizations have shaped the perception of how women are looked at and validated the reasoning for their treatment in society. These perceived views have had a detrimental effect on the status of women and still do today.

On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was ratified, enfranchising all women and declaring for the first time that they had earned and deserved the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. For nearly 100 years activists and reformers fought endlessly to win the right for women to vote and be acknowledged for their contributions to society. Women insisted they had proven by their work on behalf of the war effort, that they were just as patriotic and deserving of citizenship as men. On Election day in 1920 millions of American women exercised their right to vote for the first time. It was not a easy road, but a high mountain they climbed and how the landscape of America changed on that day in history. Today with the attacks on our rights we again have to climb that mountain.

In the last year the conservatives have introduced over 1,000 bills that would lessen and even take away the rights of women. We have seen them attempt to dictate and in some cases take away our health care. We have seen the legal term for victims of rape, stalking and domestic violence changed to “accuser”, leaving victims of other less gendered crimes like burglary remain as “victims”. South Dakota Republicans have proposed a bill that would make it LEGAL to murder a doctor who provides abortion care. In Virginia we saw a bill forcing women to have a “vagina probe” and forced to view the images, claiming this will make a women that wants an abortion change her mind. In Arizona they passed a bill that claims a women is pregnant 2 weeks before conception. In Washington there is currently a bill by Republicans that would allow a women to die rather than perform an abortion necessary to save her life. We have watched the Republicans vote for an amendment to cut all federal funding from Planned Parenthood health centers claiming the majority of what they do is abortions paid for by taxpayer money. Conservatives with the help of religious fanatics are fully aware that this blatant lie angers their fanatical followers that believe “God” has given them the right to tell others how to live their lives. In Texas Governor Perry took health care away from 130,000 women. As bad as the attack has been on our health care that’s not where it ends. The Republicans are now taking aim at the elderly, of which two-thirds of them are women. They have introduced a spending bill that would cut meals and housing for our seniors. They go after the children they claim to care so much about by pushing a bill that would cut nearly a billion dollars of food and other low-income programs for pregnant women, mothers, babies and kids. In Maryland Republicans ended all county money for low-income kids’ preschool programs. Why? They claim women should be home with the kids not out working. We have seen bills that go against a women’s right for sick leave, maternity leave and any other time needed to deal with family issues. In Wisconsin and in Washington DC we see bills that would discriminate against women on fair pay in the workplace with more Republican controlled states attempting the same. The Republicans state over and over they would love to be able to stop women from voting and overturn civil rights. Once again, this shows the mental patients have escaped the facility and for the good of all need to be rounded up and put back in.

There is not a day that goes by, that millions of women in America are not frightened of being a woman in America today. We are being forced to climb that mountain again, making a point to the men and a lot of women that they will not take our rights away and if they continue to push the issue they will lose. It is claimed by the Republicans that women will forget about all of these attacks by November when it is time to vote. They think wrong. Women have memories like elephants and it’s not over until we say it is...let the war begin. 

My dad always said to make a point, the punishment needed to be worse than the crime. Men need to be reminded we will not be legally abused and taken advantage of and the power of sex has worked in women’s favor since the beginning of time and still works well today. The days where we were thought of as a “raw material” have long been over, and we have no problem climbing up that mountain to make this point.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Repeat of History

I would like to first dedicate this to my Aunt Pearl that lives in Louisiana, is a devoted “Christian” and a Republican/Tea Partier.

I received a few days ago an email from my Aunt with an attachment that read “Guess Who”? In reading the attachment I knew immediately that who they were speaking of was Barack Obama. When I got to the end of the email where it answered the question of “Guess Who” it was not Barack Obama but Adolph Hitler. It also at the end stated that if you guessed it was Barack Obama we should be very, very scared because of the likeness of Obama to Hitler. I found myself saying we should indeed be very, very scared that intelligent people as my Aunt (she is a retired teacher) actually believed this propaganda. I felt at that moment that, if I had children and she was their teacher I would take them out of school immediately. If I belonged to the same church she belonged to I would never go back.

She was correct in stating that Adolph Hitler and Barack Obama has a lot of likenesses. They both have 2 eyes, 1 nose, 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 hands, 2 legs, both lead and leads empires and both admitted they were “Christian”. Sadly the propaganda I received from my Aunt reflects the Republican/Tea Party’s view of Barack Obama and comes from total lack of knowledge of history, facts and reality hidden by extreme hate. Daily I can’t believe in listening to the heated rhetoric coming from the movement of the Republicans/Tea Partiers who would possibly believe such blatant garbage, that can be easily proven to be total lies. I listen when they talk with hate about not only Obama but the “liberals” of America and how the masses of the common man rally around them believing their lies as reality. In America we put the extreme mentally ill in facilities to help them, but what I see each and everyday is the mentally ill have somehow escaped the facility and joined the Republican/Tea Party movement.

Let’s not forget that Hitler killed 50 million people. We learn by history that Hitler showed no mercy and lived with a lack of reality, paranoia and massive hate. We should never forget the fact that Hitler claimed he was Catholic and Christian up to the point when he took his own life. The main Christian churches (Catholic & Protestant) looked the other way while Hitler murdered 50 million people. How was he able to gain the trust of the masses? One word “Propaganda”. The czar under Hitler to take on the propaganda campaign was Joseph Goebbels.

America has their own Joseph Goebbels and his name is not Barack Obama and he doesn’t work for the Democratic party but he is involved in the political realm can you “Guess Who”? Don’t know? I’ll give you some more hints. He shows up on Fox News, has taught the right how to twist words and lives by the motto same as history shows Joseph Goebbels did…”Repeat, repeat and repeat and they shall believe”.

Frank Luntz makes Joseph Goebbels look like a lightweight and he belongs to the Republican party. His full time job is teaching and learning the art of the misuse of words to make people react in the way they want them to. We see him on Fox monitoring people to learn how they react to certain words. This helps in enabling him to know which way to twist the words to get the best desired reaction. His doublespeak seems to play well mostly with what is known as “low information voters”. Voters that live by sound bites and refuse to deal with facts and reality.

Frank Luntz teaches the Republican/Tea Party leaders how to use words as “death tax” instead of “estate tax” and “government-run” rather than “public option”. He’s replaced the word “capitalism” with “economic freedom and free market”. Out with sayings as “tax the rich” to “take from the rich”, “middle-class” out and “hardworking taxpayers” are now being used. We don’t have a lack of “jobs” it is “careers”. “Government spending” now is “government waste”, not “sacrifice” but “in this together” and last but certainly not the last “entrepreneur” out and “job creator” is in. Words he teaches are “keys to the emotions”. No one knows how to use the peoples emotions as “fear” better than the Republican/Tea Partiers except Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.

Frank Luntz has been helping the Republicans for decades in distorting language. Dishonest phrases used consistently that replaces accurate descriptions of social and political issues goes on daily catering to the “low information voters”. We see his ideas getting adopted without a bat of an eye by conservative politicians, radio heads like Russ Limbaugh and Glen Beck, and the right-wing media all helping to brainwash their followers. In plotting how to disguise the slashing of the common man’s throat while making it seem he’s taking them out for ice cream takes a mind no less sick than the one Joseph Goebbels had.

In Mein Kampf it was written: “The function of “propaganda” does not lie in the scientific training of the individual, but in calling the masses’ attention to certain facts, processes, necessities, etc., who significance is thus for the first time placed within their field of vision. The whole art of “propaganda” is doing this so skillfully that everyone will be convinced that the fact is real, the process necessary, the necessity correct, etc….its effect for the most part must be aimed at the emotions and only to a very limited degree at the so-called intellect. The art of “propaganda” lies in understanding the emotional ideas of the great masses and finding, through a psychologically correct form, the way to the attention and thence to the heart of the broad masses. The fact that our bright boys do not understand this merely shows how mentally lazy and conceited they are. Once we understand how necessary it is for “propaganda” to be adjusted to the broad mass, the follow rule results: “It is a mistake to make “propaganda” many-sided, like scientific instruction, for instance; the receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective “propaganda” must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand. By Frank Luntz’ own words and logic there is NO difference between his approach and Hitler’s in getting the masses to accept what the Republican/Tea Party wants the masses to believe and accept as truth.

The acceptance of this chilling likeness is accepted widely by those that support the Republican/Tea Party. The using of coercive psychological manipulation to feed those that follow them need to realize that lies are always coercive and coercion is “evil”. One only needs to pay close attention to what is being said and how they are saying it to understand their true intent. One needs to only grasp onto reality and common sense to see that nothing the Republican/Tea Party does is no less than “evil” and shows Satan is alive and well and using religion as one of his main tools. The Republican/Tea Party with the help of “propaganda” aimed at the “low information level” of people have taught people as my Aunt that claims to be a “Christian” how to claim that title while ignoring they aren’t practicing what they preach on how to ignore facts and reality all for their good and how to ignore the art of hypocrisy. They are able to convince the poorest and less fortunate in our society to give up their way of life to benefit the “job creators”…”the wealthy”. They claim Obama’s policies is what they hate when in reality the hate is not at all about his policies, but the fear instilled that he is “not one of them”, he is black and a “muslim”. They are able to bring out extreme hate in their followers and instill a non-tolerance attitude of others. The ability to convince their followers their neighbor is their enemy, while teaching the fear of a terrorist around every corner and everyone not a Republican/Tea Partier are not Americans and not Christians is disgusting, chilling, untrue and dangerous to society.

In the attachment I received it stated that Obama was like Hitler in trival ways: their fathers had many children and wives, was born in one country and lived in another, they both wrote books, their mothers died of cancer and many, many other absurd, stupid comparisons that has nothing to do with affecting the way this country is run or determines who Obama is. What we do see is the ramifications of what “propaganda” can accomplish when used as Hitler did that affected the masses and not for the good. The way he was able to get the masses to see things his way, we see used today by the Republican/Tea Party. So……

Can you Guess Who?

Has learned the art and power of “propaganda”.

Has learned how to control their followers and their minds.

Shows contempt of their fellow man.

Strives to control the world.

Lives in a paranoid state 24/7.

Claims they are “Christians”.

Wants to take the workers rights away, do away with unions.

Wants to take the rights of women away.

Wants to suppress the peoples vote.

Forced the people to live by their rules while favoring the elite.

Practices the “love of war”.

Tortured people with no remorse.

Hates those of other colors.

Steals other countries wealth.

Made the wealthy more wealthy while increasing poverty of the masses.

Uses the brainwashing technique of “repeat, repeat, repeat and they shall believe”.

Forces their beliefs on everyone in society.

Hate of social programs and education.

Claims to care about the military while using them as pawns.

Hates the poor, the elderly, the disabled.

Teaches hate of others…..us (vs.) them.

Doesn’t care if their people have healthcare.

Strives for inequality.

Are masters of the art of hypocrisy and…

Uses pledges.………….

These are just a few sentiments and beliefs of Adolph Hitler but, the answer is NOT Adolph Hitler it is the Republican/Tea Party movement of America today. An America where the masses are ignoring the repeat of history while the fear of “socialism” is preached to take the attention away from their leaders implement of a “fascist” agenda. Their masterful use of lies disguised as truth. The art of condoning extreme hate behind religion. There is indeed a really, really scary thing going on in America and it is how many people refuse to acknowledge the facts and reality of the work of Satan in the name of “God” as they call themselves Republicans/Tea Partiers.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Big Lie

When Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary it once again showed the hypocrisy within the Republican party, but most of all the Tea Bagger party. It showed once again the power of the devil working in the name of “God”. It showed how Satan works in creating a manipulation of people’s minds and souls in the name of “God”.

As the Republican and Tea Bagger parties whine about what they call the bailouts of the banks and the auto industry their souls know the truth that they would of done the same thing. The Republican party has shown itself since the late 1800’s to be a party that supports “corporate welfare” while calling it “capitalism”. We have seen people as Frank Luntz the propaganda czar of the Republican/Tea Bagger’s teach them how to twist the English language to suit their agenda. We saw the power of twisted words in controlling the masses during World War II under Hitler by Joseph Goebbels and it is nothing to be taken lightly. The Republican/Tea Baggers lie so consistently and so audaciously they believe their lies to be truth. We have heard the wording “mainstream media” and “liberal biased media”, while ignoring the propaganda spewed by the likes of Fox, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Bill O’Reilly and Glen Beck to name only a very few hatemongers from the “radical right-wing media”. The lies told by the Republican/Tea Bagger parties has to be able to blanket the population in order to control the masses. The way the right can take lies and turn them into the truth is by their philosophy of “repeat, repeat, repeat and they shall believe”. Repeating something often enough they believe becomes the truth. The unfortunate truth is it has worked.

I believe the danger of Washington and the control by the States in people’s freedoms are scary, but what is even more scary are those Americans that vote these people in office and those people that are fearful of speaking up against the abuse of 99% of America or just choose to ignore facts. It is frightful when the Republican/Tea Bagger parties are able to convince the middle class, the poor and the elderly of America to give up the little bit they have to the wealthy, and be able to convince Americans it is their duty and for their own good. The dangerous fact being they have mastered how to do this and use “God” to do so. The campaigns of lies in 2012 need to be shown for what they are. The claim from the Republican/Tea Bagger parties that they care about the middle class, the poor and the elderly in America is where we need to begin. History will dispute this fact time and time again but is conveniently ignored. The Republican party has never been a party of the middle class, poor or the elderly. They have always been a party of the wealthy at the expense of the middle class, the poor and the elderly. The policies they attempt to pass and have passed show blatantly they only look out for the wealthy, yet a lot of the middle class, the poor and the elderly especially vote Republican. A lot of them vote with the Republican party because of religion. There is no better way for Satan to work his hate than thru claiming he is a Christian.